Feb 06, 2010 11:41

So hey, if any of you have been wondering why I've not been around at all for the past couple of days it's because my computer got some sort of horrible virus or malware or something, which stopped me from opening any of my .exe program files. So I couldn't open firefox, my virus software or ANYTHING, and it's currently getting fixed. I'll probably be getting it back later tonight, (hikaridonya you are a life saver) but it's gonna need reformatting sometime in the future and since my external hard drive is also broken, I have to wait till my new one gets here so I can save at least some of the files. Once that's happened though, it should be okay. I really should just get a new computer, but I decided that a trip to America was more important than a macbook pro (and I've sort of been having doubts about that ever since my HD broke, because I have no money to be able to replace anything technologically-inclined) and so I'm probably going to have to hold out for another year.

Oh, and the landlord of the house that we're living in next year dropped on us that he was going to his nephew's birthday party and can't meet with us today, when I specifically told him when I spoke to him on Monday that we'd be aiming for Saturday. He never mentioned that he'd be busy, so we all got up super early to get ready to go. It was a good thing that I called him.

Then my DS decided it would scare the crap out of me by freezing, and then refusing to turn on for like 10 minutes. Then I tried getting into the computer suite (which is where I am now) and they've changed the card swipe system without telling us so my card was useless and because it's an open day the guy who usually does the card updates isn't here, and nobody knows how to do it.


fml, i hate everything, aaa, computer troubles, raeg

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