So last night I watched
Dragonball: Evolution on the internet.
Dear god, I wanted to cry because of how bad it was. Holy shit. I actually felt physically sick for a while. It was worse than Twilight. Worse. Than. Twilight. I'm so glad I didn't pay money to see that like my friend wanted when it comes out over here.
The acting was terrible, the plot/storyline was weak, the script was terrible, they left a lot of stuff out that I was not pleased about and changed a lot of stuff, but I know that comes with adaptions, the special effects were weird, white washing of characters = no, the character development was terrible and Piccolo - the main villain - shows up for all of 5 minutes. Seriously, nothing happens for a whole hour, and I was actually tagging whilst I was watching it. Piccolo was the only thing I actually liked about the movie, because Spike!Piccolo is endless amounts of luls.
I knew it was going to be bad but I was not prepared for just how fucking bad it was. I want my 70 minutes back. It wasn't even LULSY. Just terrible
innerve! Why didn't I heed your warning? Why?!
*cries forever over her first fandom*