(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 00:08

HORIZONTAL FUCKING RAIN. Why did england get snow and Wales gets torrential rain. OH RIGHT. Cause its fucking Wales.

On a brighter note, I went past GameStation whilst I was heading toward Primark (my need for a new hat was very great indeed, and they have hats for like £1) with my friend Ania, and like, I saw a used PS2 in the window. For. £35. Ania saw it too, and had money on her.

I now have access to my playstation games. I am so fucking happy

The only downside is that I left my memory card at home, so it means i have to restart all my games. and I was really really far in FF12 ;__;

ffff I forgot how cute Sora is.

kingdom hearts 2, glee, final fantasy, playstation 2

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