I was talking to
sira this morning, and she mentioned that she was scanning things. This got me to thinking that maybe I should scan some of my Axel/Roxas Doujin, considering that I have so much of it, and that scans are pretty rare. SO heres gonna be a list of the Doujinshi that I've scanned.
Today i've only done two cause I ran out of time (using my friends scanner, and we had to go to a lecture) and they are both in Japanese. But part of the reason for me scanning them is a hope that someone will translate for me :D I was thinking about posting on
khyaoi even though these two are actually tame as fuck. More baw fluff than anything.
- Comment if you are taking please~ c:
"Eternal-Brightness-Diamond-" (yes. it is actually called that. oh japan)
this one is one of my faves and the other ones from the same circle on ebay are so. fucking. tempting. I could spend a fortune on these, I REALLY COULD. cries. *__*
A Starlit SkyCute c: I like the art style of this, plus bonus double page spread of Riku and Sora when they were kids c: This one was my first Axel/Roxas doujin actually :D
K. omg I cant wait to go home :c