Apr 27, 2011 03:02
- 10:39:47: Dear Glee Music Ppl, can we please have another Kurt&Mercedes duet? Cos "4 Minutes" was all kinds of EPIC!
- 11:41:11: Such a pretty white tiger http://instagr.am/p/Dj4gl/
- 11:44:41: Can't think of a better way to cool off @ rikerR5 http://instagr.am/p/Dj40D/
- 11:55:57: Did someone say stork? http://instagr.am/p/Dj5-c/
- 12:06:20: Aww buddies! @ rikerR5 @curtmega http://twitpic.com/4pmc8u
- 12:15:16: I miss you. I wish I could've met you. You were my hero http://instagr.am/p/Dj705/
- 12:46:24: I love these guys!! http://instagr.am/p/Dj-q_/
- 12:50:09: Must be nice to have an in-built shower http://instagr.am/p/Dj_AZ/
- 12:56:26: RT @tellyleung: @ LukeEdgemon @BrockStarbaker "Wes" actually ages backwards. Dalton is a time warp. I'm 17 going on 16.5.
- 14:51:26: Eye see you! http://instagr.am/p/DkJCw/
- 15:08:17: Green-eyed beauty. I'm green with envy right now. This guy's gorgeous. http://instagr.am/p/DkKQm/
- 15:10:46: I might have to get tumblr just for all these zoo pictures. And so far the reptiles have given me better pics than the mammals.
- 15:26:37: Not so Sleeping Beauty. Such a sweet little lizard though. http://instagr.am/p/DkLn7/
- 15:30:54: Not quite the good luck charm you might think it is http://instagr.am/p/DkL-U/
- 17:06:24: RT @letterboys: Yeah @ jobot935 and I scared off a couple of zebras thanks to us yelling "JAKARTA?!?!"
- 17:10:06: Elegant beauty. I wish I had eyelashes like yours. http://instagr.am/p/DkSpJ/
- 17:14:14: Leave the spots to the big cats. It looks better on them anyway http://instagr.am/p/DkS6Z/
- 17:31:46: w00t!! Backstreet Boys is trending and I know why XD @backstreetboys
- 17:46:37: I love it when my Twitter-list explodes with fandom hysteria XD. Because usually I'm a part of it :D
- 18:08:17: Huh... Did we ever get a Music Monday release today/yesterday? @ jonhall28 hope I didn't miss it.
- 18:13:10: Today's ep of Glee on Star World is BIOTA. Will prob boycott and spare myself getting infuriated at censored Klaine scenes. #homophobessuck
- 18:33:30: I'm grinning like a loon cos Backstreet Boys is still trending. I also just got home.
- 19:12:40: ASDFGHJK!!!! Darren singing SOWK Acoustic!!!! ASDFGHJKL!!!!! Excuse me while I -DIE- now.
- 19:45:15: RT @quickpainless: DARREN CRISS, #1 KURT/BLAINE SHIPPER.
- 20:02:57: I'm still asking myself if I want to wake up at 4am to watch the latest Darren Criss livestream... I think I probably will though.
- 20:04:04: And a disturbing trend I've been seeing. People saying, for example, "4am in the morning" .... GUYS! It's either 4AM or 4 IN THE MORNING!
- 20:04:47: "4AM in the morning" is REDUNDANT AND MAKES YOU SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT! STOP IT.
- 20:07:14: What kind of English are they teaching kids in school these days? "4am in the morning" REALLY?! My English teacher would have CUT someone!!
- 20:14:48: Right, I am going to tear myself away from Darren Criss videos and go shower now.
- 21:12:26: BIOTA - the one episode where I have truly wanted to KILL RACHEL.
- 21:27:16: I miss Coach Beiste... We haven't seen her on Glee in a while. Would rather watch her than Holly Holiday :P
- 21:30:23: LOL Hi! Two Blaine's on my desktop XDDD <3
- 21:31:04: They're sitting and watching me XDD Oh gods this is amusing... ah hahahaha
- 21:33:02: Ahahaha... Blaine's climbing the side of my screen. Oi! Be careful up there ya li'l bugger! XD
- 21:41:58: Blaine is crawling across the top of my screen!!! the other Blaine is crouched and ready to pounce on something XDDD
- 21:51:14: OMG! I had three Blaines, and now there are two climbing the sides of my screen. WHERE HAS THE OTHER ONE GONE?!
- 21:51:52: RT @tellyleung: CNN: only 6% of Americans care about the Royal Wedding. Count me in the other 94%. Thrilled for Britain, but let's have ...
- 21:52:33: Ahahahahaha... Two Blaines singing "Love isn't silly at all" Awwww you guys!!! <3
- 22:11:18: Awwwww.... one of the Blaines (there's 9 now O_O) says "<3 KH"
- 22:27:12: RT @NKOTB: the Indonesia rumor is just that, sorry folks, but hope to get to you one day!
- 22:28:05: Pfft... The whole NKOTBSB in Jakarta was only a rumor... PFFFT!!! Thanks for nothing whoever started it.
- 23:55:31: You look away from the screen for ten minutes and suddenly you have a small army of Blaines climbing the screen *facepalm* he loves climbing
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