Ha! Finally caught up!
Day 9 - Favorite Tour
Oh I'd definitely have to say the 2009 "tour" they did for the Singapore F1. Technically it was part of a promo tour for This Is Us, but they performed the Unbreakable setlist for the main Sunday night concert.
I have to say it was the most stress-free of the lot (not counting the hives allergy that decided to flare up the morning before they arrived). The airport meet was peaceful and we got decent one-on-one time with AJ, Howie and Brian (as I said before, I usually ignore Nick). The meet and greet was fun (got the Howie smooch :D); hanging out in the hotel lobby with Q and the Backstreet Band was fun - even better that the Band remembered us from the KL trip... We got front row the night of the concert fairly easily (after camping under the sun for 8 hours).
Day 10 - Favorite TV Appearance
We Need Caffeine
Click to view
10 years on and this can still crack me up like no one's business. Just watch it.
And the George Lopez Twitter QnA
Click to view
Where they make fun of Miley Cyrus and the Beiber thing.
There are many many more, but these two are a couple of the best.
1. How Did You Become a Fan?
2. Favorite Member
3. Favorite Album
4. Favorite Song
5. Favorite Video
6. Favorite Lyrics
7. Have you seen them in concert? How many times?
8. Have you met any of them?
day 09 - favorite tour
day 10 - favorite tv appearance
day 11 - favorite era/year
day 12 - favorite backstreet moment
day 13 - favorite performance
day 14 - favorite dance routine
day 15 - favorite backstreet wife/gf
day 16 - favorite picture(with 5 of them)
day 17 - favorite picture(with 4 of them)
day 18 - favorite bsb relationship(between the guys)
day 19 - least favorite song
day 20 - favorite solo song
day 21 - favorite quote(from any of them)
day 22 - a song that makes you happy
day 23 - a song that makes you sad
day 24 - a song that brings back your childhood (if you liked them then)
day 25 - have you turned other people into fans?
day 26 - biggest backstreet fan you know
day 27 - a picture of your backstreet related room (if you have/had one!)
day 28 - last.fm(if you have one!) backstreet count?
day 29 - highest song play count on itunes
day 30 - why are you a fan?
day 31 - ask me a question