I keep doing these one day later...
Day 8 - Have you met any of them?
Oh have I... And yes, Soundchecks do count. Let's see...
Never Gone 2006 - Met Kevin and Howie. This was the year before Kevin left the group so I feel really lucky to have met him and gotten two photos with him. He was really nice in person.. taaaaaaall and my gods his green eyes in RL are gorgeous. Also my first time meeting Howie. Proud of myself for not freezing up, and for not dying when he took my camera and snapped a picture of us.
Unbreakable 2008 (KL) - The good thing was that we were all staying in the same hotel compound. Met Howie and Nick (though I ignored him) first. Later that night, AJ snubbed the local security guard to come say hi to me and Vanessa and take pictures with us. After him we met Brian. We also met the Backstreet Band that night... The next day, Vanessa and I ended up taking the same lift as Howie (and his manager and security). I am very proud of myself for not freaking out and dying because that lift ride was loooong.
Also met the four of them again at the meet-and-greet where we got Brian the Hairdryer (we were all soaked from the rain and Brian thought we were joking till he touched Vanessa's shoulder. Very proud of Vanessa for not dying. XD. Also got a "Hello again" from Howie XD
S'pore F1 2009 - Met all of them with Jamie at the airport. Brian snuck into my picture with Howie, said he liked my phone, and said Hi to my mom. Also got autographs from all of them, though note the serious lack of Nick in all my encounters** (kekeke, I don't seek him out). Met AJ again that night outside the hotel.
Met them all again at the meet-and-greet the next day. Got a smooch on the cheek from Howie (SQUEE! No I didn't die on the spot) and a hug from Brian. Also met Q, Josh and the Backstreet Band again.
This Is Us 2010 - Met them all at the soundcheck party. Met Q and Josh outside a shopping mall where we were sitting and having drinks, and they stopped to chat about ATMs and paper airplanes. Nick did our backstage tour and Brian photobombed our group picture XD.
** Nick is usually grumpy when he comes here. Dunno why. Also he's my least fave. Also most of the time he's with Howie. While the girls all go batshit over getting a piece of Nick, I get my time with Howie in peace =D
1. How Did You Become a Fan?
2. Favorite Member
3. Favorite Album
4. Favorite Song
5. Favorite Video
6. Favorite Lyrics
7. Have you seen them in concert? How many times?
day 09 - favorite tour
day 10 - favorite tv appearance
day 11 - favorite era/year
day 12 - favorite backstreet moment
day 13 - favorite performance
day 14 - favorite dance routine
day 15 - favorite backstreet wife/gf
day 16 - favorite picture(with 5 of them)
day 17 - favorite picture(with 4 of them)
day 18 - favorite bsb relationship(between the guys)
day 19 - least favorite song
day 20 - favorite solo song
day 21 - favorite quote(from any of them)
day 22 - a song that makes you happy
day 23 - a song that makes you sad
day 24 - a song that brings back your childhood (if you liked them then)
day 25 - have you turned other people into fans?
day 26 - biggest backstreet fan you know
day 27 - a picture of your backstreet related room (if you have/had one!)
day 28 - last.fm(if you have one!) backstreet count?
day 29 - highest song play count on itunes
day 30 - why are you a fan?
day 31 - ask me a question