Whoops, missed the posting for yesterday, so catching up here...
Day 4 - Favorite Song
I'm honestly scared of this one... There are so many songs that I *heart* so much that I really can't pick just one... If I had to choose my top ten favorites though, it'd probably look something like this (in no particular order):
1. Unmistakable (Unbreakable) - bloody song made me cry
2. Don't Wanna Lose You Now (Millennium) - see above.
3. I Still (Never Gone)
4. All I Have To Give (Backstreet's Back)
5. What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful (Black & Blue)
6. If You Knew What I Knew (unreleased song)
7. Siberia (Never Gone)
8. Drowning (Chapter One)
9. I'll Never Break Your Heart (Backstreet Boys)
10. If I Knew Then (This Is Us)
This is not to say I don't like the mega-hits like I Want It That Way and Straight Through My Heart, etc, because I do... It's just that the above have some kind of personal 'connection' to me, or there's something in them that I can really relate to.
Favorite Video
Hahaha... these questions are HARD. I can't pick just one, because quite a few were epic in their own (sometimes cheesy) way... but if I had to pick a top five (again in no order)...
1. Everybody, Backstreet's Back
2. Just Want You To Know
3. All I Have To Give
4. Bigger
5. Shape of My Heart/The Call (I like them both!!)
Shall link to YouTube videos later...
1. How Did You Become a Fan?
2. Favorite Member
3. Favorite Album
day 06 - favorite lyrics
day 07 - have you seen them in concert? how many times?
day 08 - have you met any of them?
day 09 - favorite tour
day 10 - favorite tv appearance
day 11 - favorite era/year
day 12 - favorite backstreet moment
day 13 - favorite performance
day 14 - favorite dance routine
day 15 - favorite backstreet wife/gf
day 16 - favorite picture(with 5 of them)
day 17 - favorite picture(with 4 of them)
day 18 - favorite bsb relationship(between the guys)
day 19 - least favorite song
day 20 - favorite solo song
day 21 - favorite quote(from any of them)
day 22 - a song that makes you happy
day 23 - a song that makes you sad
day 24 - a song that brings back your childhood (if you liked them then)
day 25 - have you turned other people into fans?
day 26 - biggest backstreet fan you know
day 27 - a picture of your backstreet related room (if you have/had one!)
day 28 - last.fm(if you have one!) backstreet count?
day 29 - highest song play count on itunes
day 30 - why are you a fan?