So I finally gave my WFC PS3 game a run.
No, I still don't own a PS3. Ended up going to choir friend's house with a few choir members after lunch and teatime snacks to try it out.
Yeah, I still suck at gaming - keep in mind I own no game consoles and the only games I'm good at are puzzle games like Tetris and Bejeweled, and word games or card games like Solitaire XD... Soooo, after we finally got the game to load on friend's PS3, I managed... umm... 1/4 of a stage - most of the time in which I was trying to figure out the controls.
Hey, I freely admit I'm a n00b at games.
In the end, another choir friend, Ash, took over and we played the Autobot campaign. He did all the controlling, firing, moving around... I sat there with the WFC strategy guide and provided the game hints and 'directions'. I actually preferred sitting at watching friend play. Meant I could focus on the characters, storyline and dialogue.
And I am so glad I did...
Victor Caroli doing the narration!!!! sdfghjkolkijhgfvc!!!!! I squeed... hard... no I did not know he was voicing stuff. Sadly, I was the only one in the room who knew who he was and what he voiced so everyone one else was kinda like: *shifty eyes, move away from fangirl". XD
I am starting to realise that I am becoming very painfully attached to the Autobots (or most of them). Not that I wasn't before, but that attachment is starting to... I don't know... get stronger? I'm noticing it's gotten to a point where seeing them getting hurt by Cons is getting harder to deal with.
Reading "Exodus" and everything that happened to the Bots there didn't help, it just.. eh... made it 'worse'. For Primus' sake I was crying at the end okay!? To the point where my heart was just going "Enough!! Can you give them a break!? Haven't they been through enough pain, and now they're losing their home!!? Stop hurting them!!!"... Yeah, it's gotten to that point where seeing/reading about someone like Jazz, or Prowl, or Sideswipe, or Ironhide getting hurt makes me wince/cringe more than I do for people in RL.
It's it an obsession if you're aware of what's happening?
That Level 2 stage with the Autobots in the Kaon prison - ugh... It was horrible for me to see what with the seeing Bots getting dropped into vats and in front of firing squads and in prison cells... and that one bit where you have to leave some Bots in their prison cells while you complete a mission... ARGH!! it killed me when they were asking to be released and you could only run past. It friggin'... I don't know... I was clenching my fists there.
If I ever get to playing it on my own, I'm gonna be so personally invested... XD... and I don't think I am EVER playing that Decepticon campaign. I can't... I just can't shoot an Autobot XP... there it is... Jo's empathy for fictional characters..
And I digress. WFC Optimus is an awesome character (it's fraggin' Peter Cullen, I expect no less) and he's nice and smart-ass-y too! That line he threw back to Warpath was GOLD!
Warpath: Are you jealous of my (something), Ironhide? (I think he said it to Ironhide)
Optimus: Can't be jealous of something you don't have
I... DIED... OMG... That was a FANTASTIC come-back line!!!
Also... the Air Raid-Sideswipe banter was brilliant. Fffff! WFC Air Raid/Sideswipe otp for the damned win, okay?!
THE SPACE SLUGS!!!! OMFG!!! HOW COOL ARE THEY?! I WANT FICCAGE FEATURING THE SPACE SLUGS! All of us following the game CHEERED when they said the Universal Greeting... CHEERED
Silverbolt's VA sounds so much like his G1 VA... and they reused that line where Air Raid mentions his being made leader XDD.
Friend also solved the dilemma of the PS3 by saying that if I wanted to play, I could just borrow his. So now I don't need to buy one of my own.
Which means I think I might put the money into the bigger doll I've been wanting XD... E-An!! You're one step closer to me, lovely (though Fairyland's Luna is giving you tough competition)... But no, E-An first... my first 60cm SD!
There, *flop*