I didn't really like the twins. Their faces looked like damn furbys. And one of them had buckteeth. -_- Are they so short on mass that they have the bare minimum as a face? Nothing more than eyes, eyebrows, and a mouth?
I felt this movie was cruder than the last one. I mean, Wheelie humping Mikaela's leg and Judy getting high on weed? With explosive farts to boot. Rather unnerving.
Jetfire's alt was like... so hot. like. SEEKER HOT. and then, he transformed and it was like O.O.... I mean... he needs a cane? But British accent ftw. Definitely. AND BRITISH SOLDIERS!! 8D
Starscream with tattoos is sexy. I enjoyed it very much. I was jumping and squealing in my seat every time he appeared. And the fight with Optimus and him and Blackout and Megatron was SO UBER COOL.
I feel sad that Ratchet hardly got any speaking scenes. When I think about it now, I can only recall ONE LINE. At the very last bit when Optimus got souped up. And... Optimus with all those extras was a bit disturbing. "Let's roll."? Dude, Optimus is just WAY cheesy.
What fascinated me though, was that the Transformers had slightly more organic characteristics to them. Or well, more than just circuitry. Especially when Ravage's tail got pulled out along with his backbone. >.<;;; and hatchlings? VERY INTERESTING. I am tempted to liken it to Abyssal's protoflesh.
OH. But some of the anonymous Decepticons that came down for the assault looked really good. The more humanoid looking ones that were rather tall. I was sad when they were wiped out. BUT DEVASTATOR. OH. AND SIDESWIPE. I DO WANT SUNSTREAKER NOW. >.< AND REGGIE SIMMONS. He was so kickass. Like... KICK ASS. "Don't tell my mother." XD
I am fully prepared to watch it again this weekend. 8D
I didn't really like the twins. Their faces looked like damn furbys. And one of them had buckteeth. -_- Are they so short on mass that they have the bare minimum as a face? Nothing more than eyes, eyebrows, and a mouth?
I think they're kinda cute. Like little adorable ugly puppies. And I dunno... it's a refreshing break from all the cool/pretty-looking bots.
I felt this movie was cruder than the last one. I mean, Wheelie humping Mikaela's leg and Judy getting high on weed? With explosive farts to boot. Rather unnerving.
Jetfire's alt was like... so hot. like. SEEKER HOT. and then, he transformed and it was like O.O.... I mean... he needs a cane? But British accent ftw. Definitely. AND BRITISH SOLDIERS!! 8D
Starscream with tattoos is sexy. I enjoyed it very much. I was jumping and squealing in my seat every time he appeared. And the fight with Optimus and him and Blackout and Megatron was SO UBER COOL.
I feel sad that Ratchet hardly got any speaking scenes. When I think about it now, I can only recall ONE LINE. At the very last bit when Optimus got souped up. And... Optimus with all those extras was a bit disturbing. "Let's roll."? Dude, Optimus is just WAY cheesy.
What fascinated me though, was that the Transformers had slightly more organic characteristics to them. Or well, more than just circuitry. Especially when Ravage's tail got pulled out along with his backbone. >.<;;; and hatchlings? VERY INTERESTING. I am tempted to liken it to Abyssal's protoflesh.
OH. But some of the anonymous Decepticons that came down for the assault looked really good. The more humanoid looking ones that were rather tall. I was sad when they were wiped out. BUT DEVASTATOR. OH. AND SIDESWIPE. I DO WANT SUNSTREAKER NOW. >.< AND REGGIE SIMMONS. He was so kickass. Like... KICK ASS. "Don't tell my mother." XD
I am fully prepared to watch it again this weekend. 8D
I think they're kinda cute. Like little adorable ugly puppies. And I dunno... it's a refreshing break from all the cool/pretty-looking bots.
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