Damn them and their Robot Heroes. I didnt think we'd be seeing them for another month or so, considering how long it's taking G1 Prowl to come out. I think combining yesterday's haul with today's I spent... (57 + 75 + 93) $225 SGD. HA! I think that's still less than I spent in 2007 when the first Movie toys came out.
This time I didnt need to spend on Voyagers (already have Ratchet and Ironhide, and prefer their Movie 1 colors) or Fast Action Battlers (no variety of different Jazzes to get this time round). Still think I'm going to end up hitting about $500 though by the time it's all over, because remaining stuff includes:
Deluxe Mudflap
Deluxe Arcee
Deluxe Sideways (though, looking at the actual toy, I wonder if I should - I'm not that impressed. I might not, in the end.)
Leader Jetfire (have to combine him with sexy legs Leader Prime)
Human Alliance Bee
Human Allaince Skids
(25 + 25 + 100 + ?? + ??)
Anyways, pics of the haul (minus Knockout, cos I already took him out to play with and he's fun)
Sexy Legs Leader Prime. Lookit the legs on this boy! Dont you want to molest?
Skids, Sideswipe and Chromia (I know the robot mode is iffy, but it's a damn nice bike)
Sideswipe vs Sideways, Mudflap vs Rampage, Skids vs Megatron
Might go back and get the Bee and Prime sets... wait and see...
More pics as and when I get round to opening them up