Dec 11, 2008 21:20
So I went to an interesting meeting last night for this new group One Struggle, One Fight. They are organizing a LGBT civil rights march to Sacramento from the Bay Area in March. The thought of the march really excites me and I think is awesome post 8. The group has lots of people involved who are into civil disobedience. Some of the ideas people brought to the table I think are really misguided (such as blocking the issuing of marriage liscences on Valentine's Day) but I'm also hopeful that such bad ideas won't progress within the group. Overall, the group feels real positive, Kip (the main organizer) is smart and savy, and the idea for the march is genius. As I get older I think I'm getting better at focusing on the good and ignoring or neutralizing the bad. I still haven't heard from DC yet and think it's kinda weird they asked for references so quickly and haven't called any of them. If I do go to DC it will be really hard for me to leave the Bay Area, even if it's just for a year.