Nov 19, 2008 23:32
Those of you who know me fairly well know I can have a thing for perfection. Today for example I was worrying about possibly moving to DC and how all the logistics and timing may work. So I'm telling myself I need to take a step back. Instead of seeing everything that needs to be done still, I need to look at all I've achieved. And I have achieved a lot today. I've found a friend that would be willing to sublet my place in the Mission for a year. This way if I do move to DC and don't like it I would have the option of coming back to where i am now. My brother-in-law may also have a lead for me on getting the XV 6800 off of an old work contract. For those of you don't know the XV 6800 is a great phone that does everything the I-Phone and Android do, and then some. My brother-in-law would be able to help me customize the phone so it can kick ass but Verizon is evil and won't let me upgrade since I just got a new phone a few months ago. If his lead works out, i can get the XV 6800 for a reasonable price instead of the $500 verizon would charge me for the phone. So those are just some of the things I'm thankful for today.