This & That Update

May 08, 2013 14:39

***I posted this late last night, but it was actually backdated to Monday night when I started it and I'm thinking no one saw it, so I'm posting again.***

Hey!  So I've gotten in to one of those "I'm so behind I don't know where to start, so I guess I just won't post" ruts.  :)  We've all been there right?

*I guess I'll start with the here and now...which is that I finally just flopped on the couch in PJs after a full day with two workshops for work.  Which is THREE hours of presenting.  I'm tired.  And hoarse.  :)   They went very well and actually, I'm kind of excited they are over because things are sort of winding down in my schedule as we edge towards summer.  I'm intentionally not scheduling anything past the end of May (unless it's private work) because I want to enjoy the end of the school year and because we leave on vacation 6/15 and I will need time to focus on preparing for that.   I'm excited for a break. I love what I do, but the constant marketing, website updating, writing, planning, answering emails and, well, I'm just looking forward to some checked-out time off, that's all.

*We had a really great summery weekend--the weather was finally beautiful.  Eli had Friday off of school, so I took him and two friends all day (9:30am-4:00pm!) It had been a long time since I spent so much time with JUST him and I thoroughly enjoyed watching him interact with two of his best buddies from school.  We all met at the entrance to the Central Park Zoo and proceeded to do just about everything we could in the park...The main zoo, children's zoo, fed the animals, saw the 4-D movie, lunch, gift shop, rock climbing, ice cream, carousel, playground, more snacks and drinks and we closed the day out at the bookstore.  The kids were exhausted and filthy (um...I was too!), but they had fun and I enjoyed myself too.

Saturday, we packed the stroller up with a picnic blanket and a soccer ball and prepared to hit the park after the boys tennis lesson. Finally some consistent beautiful weather has arrived so we all thoroughly enjoyed lounging and playing in the sun.

Later that afternoon Omer took Eli to a birthday party while Sammy and I stayed home and played.  We played Trouble, and Dominos and trains and worked on some math skills until the boys came home.  Omer and I headed out for an early dinner that night

Sunday Omer had a half marathon (a trail race out of the city) for most of the morning and early afternoon, so I was solo with the boys.   They were actually really good in the morning until we left the house around 10 and met a bunch of friends at the playground.  I took lots of pics on my "real" camera which I haven't uploaded yet.  But basically, I spent two hours letting the kids run around together while I visited with a bunch of mom friends, drank iced coffee and generally just enjoyed the sunshine.  It was a really pleasant way to spend the morning.  From there, we left and the boys got haircuts and then we headed home to meet Omer.

There was an awesome street fair on Broadway literally in front of our building.  We absolutely love fairs--this was the first of the season...we usually have 4-5 in our neighborhood during the spring/summer.  So we all wandered for blocks and blocks and ate our way up the avenue.  Corn on the cob, kettle corn, lemonade, "street meat" (I had a gyro) and of course a little shopping.  I got a new necklace and we picked out a new painting for our dining room.  Omer took the boys home and left me alone to browse a bit longer before we all headed back out again for Eli's evening soccer game.

His game was at 4, so we had incredible evening sunlight at the soccer fields.  Sammy busied himself driving trains on the bleechers while I watched the game.  Eli scored!  (which obviously isn't important, but the sheer joy on his face when he did it was incredible to witness!) Afterwards we ran into friends whose son was playing after Eli, so we stayed and visited with them for a bit and then headed to the 72nd st. pier for dinner.  All in all, it was a really awesome day.  Just a perfect outdoorsy, fun filled day with my little family.

In other news....
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