Warning: Pic-heavy post of the Mardi Gras

Mar 04, 2007 16:20

I'll get the bad stuff out of the way first.
- I went to Coogee this morning with
myshka23 to go swimming at the ocean pool there. Weather was okay - a little hot. But the sea? Rough. And usually, this pool is quite calm, but it was like being inside a washing machine. Anyway, I was sitting on a rock when this huge mo-fo of a wave comes, pushes me off the rock and into more rocks, scraping the living shit out of my right leg and leaving two small pieces of sea urchin spines in my left foot. One I was able to get out, the other? Well, it's still there, and too deep to get out. So I'll just leave it. I'm hoping the skin will grow over it, and it'll just...go away. It's a bit tender right now...so...yeh. We'll wait and see.
Okay, I was just re-reading that, and had I seen a person get swept off a rock, I probably would have laughed. Yes, I laugh now, but will not be laughing when they have to amputate my foot! Bah!
-The boots I wore last night? My awesome hot boots? KILLED my ankles, and I now have two open wounds on the back of my heel. So so pleasant. I figure it's the Lord's way of punishing me for going to Mardi Gras.

Now for the GOODS.

-Got a little bit more tanned today. Had awesome awesome seafood lunch (my revenge for what the stupid ocean did to me earlier), a bit of a nanna nap back at
myshka23's, then headed out for dessert nearby.
- MARDI GRAS! Woot! Sadly, 
myshka23 couldn't make it, so I headed in alone and found a good spot at the beginning of the parade route. It's time's like these that really make me love and appreciate Sydney. It's just noisy, and colorful, and everyone is in a great mood. Yes, it can get overly political, with alot of Howard-bashing. But this year, it was fairly tame. Big David Hicks float, but other than that? It was just feel-good fun!

Float waiting area. Dykes on Bikes are in the foreground.

Vicki Pollards. I don't know what they were representing, exactly.

Seeing Vanessa Wagner and Bob Downe on segways? Heh. Awesome.

More Dykes on Bikes...and thats Bob Downe in the background in the bright yellow suit...

OMG - it's Simon Reeve! I tried to get a picture of him front on, but he wouldn't turn around. I swear it's him though.

And then my camera batteries died. Smart.

So yes, it was a fantastic night! Next year, hopefully I'll get there earlier to get a better spot further up the parade route. They said that about 300,000 were there last night, not including the 8,000 participants. I'd love to get involved, somehow. Something to think about, I guess.
Souvenirs, I hear you ask? Aside from the buttons, and cards and condoms? Some woman flicked her blue lacy leg garter at me. Well, I think she was a woman.
Parts of the parade had me thinking about myself, and other people, but I really don't want to get into it right now, because I'm in a damn fine mood, so probably expect an emo-McCrap rant about myself later. You have been warned.

HAPPY MARDI GRAS! *sprinkles glitter on you all*

pics, weekend

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