-Fighting with my mother a lot lately. I'm kinda over it, but sometimes I don't want to back down. My parents seem to think that because I don't believe in God, I am evil.
-Dancing with the Stars ends and It Takes Two begins. Is there no buffer period? No compassion time between crappy Seven shows?
-I'm making cake today! Well, I think I will. I've been craving cake for....weeks. So I will make one for tonight -
myshka23 is coming over for Grey's Anatomy, pizza and booze. And now, cake. Oh yeah.
-Speaking of booze - I got free booze yesterday! In the mad Friday afternoon rush, the clerk at the bottle shop didn't notice that he charged me for one Cut, instead of the four-pack I bought. Is it wrong that I squeed internally when I noticed?
-I slept in this morning for the first time in....probably a year? I slept in until 10.12am. I feel lazy now. I blame Amber, and Fredricton. Awww. But I just got a text from Amber. So I don't blame her so much now.
-In a fit of bad taste, I watched The Holiday last night. Well, I watched half of it and then couldn't go on. The Kate Winslet/Jack Black parts weren't too bad, but Cameron Diaz/Jude Law? Made me want to gouge my eyes out with blunt dirty chopsticks.
-I feel like I'm going to be very lazy this weekend. Well. I need to vacuum. And bake. Ew. Domestic. Part of me wishes it were rainy, and cold, so I didn't feel bad about staying indoors. But no, it's sunny, and unseasonably warm. *shakes fist at Tim Bailey* I know it is you who controls the weather.