Hello everyone!! The first ever chapter of the Love Legacy!! I am so excited for this legacy you guys! Just a warning as it is the first chapter it will probably be just a little boring, and I haven't done this since over a year ago, so bear with me please. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! On with the chapter now!!!
Why hello Aphrodite Love
Aphrodite: Who? What? When? Where? How?
Well then, I am ....
0_0 You would think that she has the Insane trait but she doesn't
Aphrodite: Leave me the hell alone
I am so hurt :( I created you, I gave you life
Aphrodite: Do you know how creepy that just sounded?
Whatever, but it is true. Now back to what I was saying before you went all crazy on me.
This is the lovely Aphrodite, the founder of the Love Legacy.
Aphrodite: Founder of what?
Of the Love Legacy, it means you will have kids with whoever I chose, then the people vote on who will continue the legacy.
Aphrodite: Whatever
Ok where was I, so this is her lovely little shack that I like to call her home.
Aphrodite: It is a pile of crap, I could have built something better
Whatever, you know I could have just put a wall down with a toilet and a bed, and that could be your house
Aphrodite: 0_0 I will keep the shack!
Thats what I thought you would say
House tour
Eating area
Kitchen area
Bedroom area
Birds eye view of the place
Aphrodite: Well I guess it isn't that bad of a house, for a shack that is of course
Well thanks I guess, OK so now we have to go and find you so yummy arm candy, that you can have lots of babies with!
Aphrodite: Do I get any say in this matter?
Nope :)
Aphrodite: Sowhere are we going?
To your future arm candy of a husdbands house
Aphrodite: oh, cool
Aphrodite: Now this is a house, when I marry him we should move in here.
Yeah, how about no
Aphrodite: That was mean :(
Aphrodite: He is breath taking
That he you are hopfully talking about aka your future husband is not here
Aphrodite: I was taking about that staute over there
0_0 Lets go find him
Well who do we have here?
Yes thats right it is her future arm candy of a husband. I dont know what it wrong with his head in this picture though so.
Aphrodite: OMG is that him?
Yes and you do know that you are talking out loud, just to let you know
Aphrodite: Omg now I look like a crazy person talking to a voice inside my head
Aphrodite: Hi, My name is Aphrodite
Hunter: Hi Aphrodite, My name is Hunter
Aphrodite: Well Hunter I am named after the Goddess of Love so do you now what that means?
Hunter: ummm
Thats what I thought
Hunter: Oh, It means I will fall in love with you?
Aphrodite: No, It means I am the most beautiful human in all of the world
Faceplam x2
Hunter: OMG that is so true
Aphrodite: Aww thanks, I'm glad you agree with me
Aphrodite: Now give me a hug, you hunk of arm candy
Hunter: Hunk of what
Aphrodite: Nothing
Good going
Aphrodite: I got these red flowers for you so you would always think of me
Hunter: Aww thanks
Hunter: They smell so good
Hunter: You are just so beautiful
Aphrodite: Aww shucks, why thank you, and you are not to shaby your self
They look so cute together :)
Aphrodite: You got a little something on your lips
Woah Aphrodite you work fast, and nice come on
Aphrodite: I do try
You probably should't kiss and talk,and hat was sarcasm
Aww there going on date :)
What you cooking?
Aphrodite: Tufo dogs
Hunter: You look so beautiful in the moonlight
Aphrodite thanks
Aphrodite You know how you just said i was beautiful in the moon light?
Aphrodite: Well do you want to be the boyfriend of the girl who is beautiful in the moonlight?
Hunter: Hell to the yes I do
Don't cut yourself!
Aphrodite: I would never cut myself
Don't burn yourself
Aphrodite: I won't
Sure you won't
Don't choke on your food
Aphrodite: Could you please shut up, you are bugging me to death
That was the point duh
Aphrodite: You are a pain in my rear end
Love you too
Aphrodite: Hey Hunter do you want to hang out?
Hunter: Sorry I am working
Aphrodite: Oh that sucks
That doesn't mean anything we will go and hunt him down
Aphrodite: Baby
Hunter: Oh Hi baby?
Aphrodite: Want to go on a date with me?
Hunter: Sure
Aphrodite: Hunter in this box is a ring
Hunter: A ring?
Aphrodite: Yes a ring
Hunter: Well why would a ring be in a box?
Aphrodite: Because the ring is for you
Hunter: OMG you got a ring for me?
Aphrodite: Yes
Aphrodite: SO will you Hunter marry me Aphrodite?
Hunter: Hell yes I will
Hunter:It is so beautiful
Aphrodite: aww thanks, I know I am
Aphrodite: Hi, I would like to book a party for my bacalette
You have no friends to invite
Aphrodite: Do so! WaitcanHuntercome?
Aphrodite: Stupid Bills taking money away from my party!
Thats life for you
Aphrodite: Party Day!!!!
You look so excited
Aphrodite: I am so ready for my party
IYou will probaly be the only one at your party though
Nice dance moves
Aphrodite: Thanks
People actually showed up for her party, even though she didn't invite them, now offto your wedding yougo
Aphrodite: I am so excited
Wedding Spam
Aww so cute!!!!!!
Here we have Hunter Love. His LTW is to be become a master thief.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!! I am so glad to be back and writting. I am hoping to get another chapter our by saturday for you guys!!! I am excited for the little babies they will have together!! Please comment and let meknowwhatyouthink.