[ exo ] internet date

Jun 01, 2014 10:35

title: internet date
pairing: jongin/chanyeol (kaiyeol)
rating: nc-17
summary: chanyeol is always trying new things. skype sex, however, isn't something jongin expected.
length: ~1.2k
warnings: slight!humiliation????, um mutual masturbation, ummm ??? chanyeol buying spicy ice cream, lapslock
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITT!!! this is for u ok i didn't know it was your birthday until last night bc you never told me but <3 here u go it's not proofread at all but i hope it's ok!

chanyeol loves trying new things, it’s agiven. jongin has learned to accept it when he comes back from the ice cream stand with one cone wasabi and another plain chocolate, as it’s part of his overactive excited personality.

when he suggests they skype one night, he doesn’t think too much about it. he’s more fuming over the fact that chanyeol had completely denied the blowjob he’d tried to gift him against the bathroom door earlier, and even more confused as to why he’d even denied it in the first place. (the taller is never one to object to jongin’s “pretty lips”, as he puts them.)

later, signing onto skype and promptly muting sehun’s constant im messages popping up in the corner of his screen, he accepts chanyeol’s video call and sits back on his bed, adjusting the tilt of the laptop screen to better fit the frame of his head and torso.

“what the fuck,” is the first thing to come out of his mouth, because, well---

chanyeol is naked, at least from what he can see. the screen only shows him from the mouth down, and his torso is completely bare. jongin can’t quite see beneath his waist, but the older has never been one to half-ass things.

his hands come up to cover his mouth as his cheeks flush a hearty pink, because oh my god is that the tip of his dick at the bottom of the screen is he hard what the fuck what the fuck chanyeol. the question is answered a moment later as he sees just the slight bit of chanyeol’s thumb brush over the top, and now he’s turning a whole new shade of red.

“strip,” says chanyeol, voice deep and husky and everything jongin loves. even despite his shock and slight weirded-outness, he does as he’s told, getting out of his clothes as quick as he can the way his boyfriend likes. “good, now.. touch yourself.”

“what?” jongin hates how he sounds breathy already, but the thought of chanyeol planning this alone probably on his bedroom researching ways to spice up a relationship, and then thinking of how to bring it up -- it’s got him going already. chanyeol is naked at home, hard, and jongin can feel his dick stir in interest because this is all for him.

“you heard me.” and now chanyeol’s grinning, but it’s not the kind of happy grin jongin’s used to. it’s crooked, teasing, hinting just the slight bit of you can’t do this, can you? that jongin hates, because he can. he’ll be good for chanyeol, no matter what it takes.

blowing out a soft breath and all his nerves out with it, he snakes a hand down and circles it around himself, giving himself a few short jerks to get himself going from a semi-hardon to a full blown erection. he’s about to continue, but he’s interrupted by a murmured “tilt the screen down.”

jongin does as he’s told, glad chanyeol can only see his lap now and not the burning heat of his cheeks as he angles the camera down. he watches on his laptop as the elder does the same, and he swallows thickly at the sight of the other’s cock swelled up and leaking, all for him. his mouth waters, and he wishes that he could reach through the screen and help his boyfriend himself, but he thinks that the fact that he can’t is just a little bit humiliating for himself, knowing that he wants The D so badly just by looking.

“rougher,” says chanyeol, and his voice matches the word, torn at the edges with arousal and just the right amount of gruff.

he pumps himself a bit faster, the tunnel of his palm tighter just the way the taller would do it if he was there, and finds himself unable to tear his eyes from the sight as his boyfriend starts to get himself off as well. there’s a million thoughts running through his mind, but he finds most of them to be a mix of oh my god, how did i score such a gifted guy, and fucking god i better not come before him.

jongin uses the precum pooling at the tip of his dick and smears it down the slides for an easier glide up and down the heated flesh, letting a soft moan slip past his thick lips just loud enough for chanyeol to hear. he can just barely hear the small intake of breath through his speakers but it’s enough, and he squeezes himself gently again, prompting out another sound for the other, pleased when he can see the flex in his thighs.

“god, you’re so fucking hot,” groans chanyeol, and the words run straight down jongin’s body, the pace of his wrist speeding just a little because heat is coiling embarrassingly quick in the pit of his stomach and he just finds himself wanting to please his boyfriend more and more by the second.

they sit there together for a few more minutes, chanyeol mumbling demands for how he wants jongin to get himself off and the latter complying and letting himself be on complete display on the other’s screen, before he doesn’t think he can hold himself much longer, and tells chanyeol just that.

the boy grins, and he circles his index finger and thumb into a ring round the base of his dick, the rest of his fingers laying flat against his pelvis. “come then, jongin. for me, on your stomach.”

breath hitching in his throat, jongin leans back on an arm and gives himself a few last jerks before he hits his peak with another low moan of chanyeol, release spilling out over his fingertips and his stomach as he milks it for all it’s worth and his eyes close.

when he glances back at the screen again, chanyeol is quickly working himself off, and he watches as he comes right at the fucking screen, screen soon going whiteblack as some drips down over the camera lense. despite the buzz of arousal over his skin, jongin can’t help but snort a little, because of course this is something chanyeol would do.

“oops,” he hears him mutter, and then the obstruction in front of the camera is gone, swiped away onto chanyeol’s finger before he wipes it onto his sheets. the camera is tilted back up to see the taller’s face and jongin does the same, slightly embarrassed with the flush that had spread through his cheeks and down his chest.

chanyeol looks equal to him, though, grinning his stupid happy grin as he tilts his head to the side and his messy hair flops along with the movement. “we should do this more often,” he says, eyebrows wiggling playfully.

jongin laughs, but dutifully agrees. “definitely. next time, though, i get to call the shots on you.

“and i might have you get some of those weird toys you bought last week out from beneath your bed to help me.”

he doesn’t think he’s ever seen chanyeol’s eyes go as wide as they do then, and he can’t help but dissolve into laughter at the sight.
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