Aug 07, 2009 18:52
Alright, I figure its probably been ages since I've posted anything, so I might as well write. Plus my last post was my blow up over AI, and that is probably not a good opening image =). So, writing about Stanford! We have a dance tonight, not that its going to be very much fun for me, since I still can't stand on my left foot. =( Plus my shoe won't stay on.... But I'll make an appearance, if only to make sure the girls don't feel guilty for leaving me behind. I'm all dressed up with a brand new dress that I'll be wearing for semi this year. I also bought new shoes, and I had to sew the left one to my bandage to make sure it doesn't fall off my swollen foot. It feels kind of awkward. What does it say about me that I spend more money on the new shoes than the new dress? Regardless, it's weird, for the past few days I haven't been listening to any music except Aida and Spring Awakening. Why? So after two unsuccessful visits to the doctor, they say that they might take my stitches out on monday. I highly doubt it, since thats what they said for the last two days *rolls eyes*. What else have I discovered while I'm here? I can't paint my nails when I can't put my left foot down. Plus I'm just kind of bad it. But I am in fact very good with make-up. I'll post some pictures of myself all dressed up for the dance. I can prove that I do in fact tan after an entire summer in Cali. *We got more bounce in California* It will probably be faded by the time I get home, but its cool while it lasts. Anyway, that all I have to say. 8 CLASSES, 2 EXAMS, 1 ESSAY, 1 PROBLEM SET AND I'M DONE!
Oh and today is awesome cause I look all pretty, even with my foot wrapped! =) (Littera multum ille!)
dressed up,