Sep 22, 2008 15:44
So I had the suckiest of suck all days today. First of all, I was supposed to drop physics today, but surprise! it was a day 0 so we had class first. Then I had mythology and got my first Mr. Anthony test EVER back. I thought it was good but, again surprise, B-. And we had to do a writing practice thing in class and I completely blanked. Then choir, which on a bad day is a hell all of its own. Then APUSH, which is usually an okay class, but I was barely concentrating to today and had no idea what was coming out of my mouth. Did I say anything incorrect/possibly embarrassing?
After that was Latin. Doc made me read and lately my translations and quiz scores have been horrible. Today was no exception. Then Precalc. I got a 60 on my last quiz. Great. Then Greek, and having absolutely no idea what I was doing on a concept that I understood perfectly last thursday. And Doc gave us a challenge of one of the sentences in the book. I translated the wrong one and so nearly lost the challenge for our class. Zack had to come in and save us last minute. What a way to round off the day!
Oh, and I have two hours of dance class and homework in every subject. Fun!
Is it intrinsically wrong of me to think that the high point of my day was talking to Vanessa?
my day,