MFF 2010 extravaganza weekend

Dec 03, 2010 09:42

I didn't really have that great of a time at MFF this year. My biggest complaint is that I felt like there wasn't much time to hangout with friends. You would think that I should know by now that conventions are not the place where you can hang out with your friends. In fact, I think that I would rather take a weekend and go visit 1 or 2 friends for a long period of time rather than taking a weekend and seeing a whole bunch of my friends for a very short period of time. I think that the the friendships that I have are becoming more important and more special to me then I would first admit. I feel like I would rather spend time with an individual or two for a weekend then to see a whole bunch of people in fits and blips. I won't say that I am "done going to *furry* conventions" or any sort of nonsense. My convention schedule will be more measured as to what cons I go to compared to taking time to visit people outside of conventions.

I was able to make a new friend and I got to play "handler" as I walked him around in suit. Oh, he didn't take much convincing to get into straight jacket either and then we went for walkies. At first he grumbled a bit about having to go walkies, but this just meant we went for walkies longer. Pretty soon he was kicking mad about having to be out and about where his friends were, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't really too upset about the whole experience.

Other notable things:

Work helped screw up my time off by not giving me final word until it was a week before I requested off.

I got super sick after eating lunch driving to Chicago. I had to make multiple pit stops and a stop by the side of the road where for the first time in my life I squatted down by the side of an embankment.

Driving N65 up near Chicago at night when you pass the windmills is pretty creepy. In the dark you see blinking red lights atop giant twirling blades that look alien. It's a lot worse when you are sick and things feel a lot more surreal.

When I arrived at the convention it turns out the people that I was planning on rooming with had invited other people in to "help save money", but they ran out of bed space for me and yet they were wondering if I could pay for two full nights in the room. I told them I would get back to them later.

Luckily, I had a friend that had a pretty much empty room due to his roommates abandoning him at the last minute and I asked him if I could stay there he agreed to let me stay once I promised that things going on wouldn't be a problem. I figured at the very least it would be a place for me to put my stuff and sleep for the weekend because we all know how I can sleep through pretty much anything going on around me. However, I was wrong and in a good way. Over time we generally drifted apart mostly due to physical distance, separate interests and real life getting in the way. During the weekend I felt like I reconnected with my friend and we became better friends again.

I made a list of all the bags and contents of when I left on my trip so that I wouldn't leave anything behind on my trip home from Chicago. I really didn't think that I would manage to leave a bag behind going to Chicago. It turns out I left behind the bag containing all my toiletries, socks / underwear / undershirts and meds. It made for a not very fun night of beating myself up for leaving it behind and an early morning run to Target to pick up essentials. 120 dollars later I left with everything but meds. I decided that I was just going to be careful with what I did that weekend small meals every 5 hours, no drinking or other bad stuff till I can could get back to meds again.

This convention made me miss having an actual suit or even partial that I could wear about on the floor. I was thinking about getting stickpup made into some kind of actual fuzzy animal costume (instead of rubber puppy) probably a partial, but I wouldn't rule out a full suit.

I seem to have caught the ghost of con-crud past or something and I have been pretty miserable for the past few days. Luckilly, I have meds and I am slowly getting better.

Finally, I was in the fursuit parade and if anyone knows where there are pictures of an Ork wearing a bear suit (Bear-Ork or Bork...) Please send the links my way..


Fair Warning: Bad puns and worse references ahead

My friend safe in the room

Cute and innocent (mostly and yes)

Someone thinks that Crux are #1

I know that guy... I mean the other guy. I mean the other, other guy. No, the other, other guy. Yeah, that guy.

We had help from a Fox scout

Best airline pilot cos-play ever!

Actually that was a real airline pilot staying at the hotel

Woody, not woody... It makes no difference once you realize that there is no woodpecker

I can see your halo halo halo... kitty

Long Suxxen is long

Group shot

Red, red... Lion


This lion was doing a promo for the new Cube movie where people are trapped in an ever shrinking glass cube

Can't... Resist... Cute... Husky...

Still... Can't... Resist... Talking... Like... Shatner...


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