title: communication errors
theme: 097. glasses; 013/100;
humor, excessive amounts of fluff
I'm not really sure where this fic came from. D: And I still have writer's block so this fic doesn't count.
Eeteuk couldn't say for sure, but he thought that, this time Kangin had indeed lost his mind. He gently set down his book as he continued to watch Kangin pace back and forth in front of him, stopping every so often to gesture menacingly toward the room at large, before pulling at his hair, and scowling in Eeteuk's general direction.
"Correct me if I'm wrong," started Eeteuk, "but I think something is bothering you."
"Your hair!" said Kangin. "Your face! You. This." Kangin sat down opposite Eeteuk on the couch and took hold of Eeteuk's hands. For a moment he looked like he was going to continue, maybe with something at least halfway intelligent, but then he let go, stood up, and stormed out of the room.
Eeteuk ran his fingers through his ponytail and thought that there wasn't anything wrong with either his hair or his face. But then, could he really listen to the word of a mad man anyway?
"What just happened," asked Heechul, walking in and taking Kangin's vacated place on the sofa. "Was it interesting? Did Kangin finally profess his undying love for you? Because if he did, then some people owe me some money."
Eeteuk wondered if his hearing was going. He didn't think he was that old, but other explanations weren't forthcoming. "What?"
Heechul sighed. "Nevermind," he said with the air of someone who was perpetually suffering from being surrounded by idiots. "I am surrounded by idiots," Heechul confirmed.
Eeteuk decided that Heechul must be referring to Kangin because he hadn't done anything stupid in hours and had been sitting quietly, reading a book, when Kangin had shown up acting more than a bit touched in the head. Hopefully it wasn't anything too serious since Kangin was a Very Important member of the group -- something Eeteuk had to repeat to himself numerous times a day about all of them, just in case he got any sudden ideas on how to have a little peace and quiet -- and it just wouldn't do if they had to lock him up for being too crazy, even for Super Junior. Especially since Kangin always managed to be so helpful when Eeteuk needed it and sometimes even when he didn't.
However the next day things continued in roughly the same manner and Eeteuk had to reevaluate Kangin's status as Very Important.
"Augh!" yelled Kangin as Eeteuk tipped his head back to take a drink from a water bottle that hopefully belonged to someone he actually knew. "You!" Kangin pointed his finger at Eeteuk accusingly. "That! You can't do that!" He grabbed that bottle from out of Eeteuk's hands, made some angry gestures with his free arm, nearly smacking Eunhyuk in the face, then retreating off to the far corner of the room to, presumably, dispose of the offending bottle.
Eeteuk tilted his head thoughtfully. "I think that may have been uncalled for."
Eunhyuk stared. "A little."
"Kangin has been acting strangely. Do you think he's overworked? First it was that thing yesterday and today he doesn't want me to be hydrated," Eeteuk said.
Eunhyuk continued to stare. "In his defense, you were practically molesting that bottle of water."
Eeteuk blinked. "What?" he asked. It was clear to him that whatever Kangin had was catching because Eunhyuk, who barely maintained any level of normalcy but who still managed to function most of the time, seemed to suddenly be speaking in tongues.
"Nothing," said Eunhyuk, sighing in a way that was vaguely reminiscent of how Heechul had done it before. "I'm. I'm going to pretend none of this ever happened." Eeteuk nodded slowly as Eunhyuk backed away.
It was more than a little worrying that Kangin appeared to have been reduced to a more base level of thinking and communicating, or at least that was how it looked to Eeteuk. Maybe it was only the flu, Eeteuk hoped. Not that it was like any virus he'd ever seen before, but Kangin was just the type of guy to contract something new and never seen before. And maybe that was what had caused him to get so violent over an inanimate object or say there was anything wrong with Eeteuk's face even though there definitely was not. And if it was some kind of virus then that would also have explained Eunhyuk's suddenly odd vocabulary.
Except it didn't really explain anything at all and the next day was pretty much more of the same with a few new twists.
"No!" shouted Kangin as he grabbed the glasses of off Eeteuk's face. "You can't! Why are you. No, I won't let you!" Kangin pocketed Eeteuk's glasses, turned to stomp out of the bedroom, but stopped when he noticed a few more pairs of glasses, all in various shapes and colors, laid out on Eeteuk's bed because he had been trying to coordinate an outfit before Kangin had so rudely interrupted. Then Kangin made distressed noise low in his throat, scooped up the remaining pairs, and finished his dramatic exit.
"I can't help but think he was unhappy about something," said Eeteuk to himself. He folded his arms across his chest and tried to figure out just what Kangin would have against glasses. Maybe it was more protesting bout Eeteuk's face, he thought. Or maybe it wasn't. Could he really hope to understand the inner workings of a crazed mind?
Sungmin peaked his head inside the door and looked around, eyes wide and curious. "Is something wrong? I heard yelling."
"Kangin has lost his mind and stolen my glasses," Eeteuk said, waving his hand in a dismissive manner. "And I was going to wear them today, too."
"Oh," said Sungmin. "Is that all? It's probably because he really likes the way you look in them and that's distracting."
"Sorry, what?" asked Eeteuk, not really paying attention. He was searching the room in case Kangin had left something behind.
Sungmin did that loud sighing thing that was fast becoming a trend among his bandmates. "Forget it," he said. "I should go."
Everyone around him really was acting so strange lately. Mostly it was Kangin, but Eunhyuk and now Sungmin were also. Heechul had said some odd things -- though Eeteuk still firmly believed that his hearing was going out due to his old age and maybe too much time spent around loud music and louder boys -- but Heechul always said odd things and that wasn't entirely unusual. But none of that helped to assuage Eeteuk's worry about Kangin who might be losing his mind. Or maybe he was perfectly sane -- or as sane as one can be -- and in truth he just hated Eeteuk. But that, Eeteuk decided, was silly.
It was a good thing he was still completely rational and entirely aware of what was going on around him.
"Oh my God," said Kangin, jumping up off the sofa when Eeteuk stepped into the room wearing a towel slung low on his hips and still wet from his shower. "You. That isn't! Decency!" Kangin gave another frustrated yell as he turned his back to Eeteuk and walked off into the kitchen.
Shindong finally lowered the volume on the television and turned to face Eeteuk. His eyes widened momentarily before he covered his face with both of his hands. "You might want to put some clothes on or something. Your, uh, towel is slipping," he said in a voice the Eeteuk thought was perhaps unnecessarily distraught.
Eeteuk could feel his face heating up as he calmly readjusted his towel. "Have you noticed Kangin's strange behaviour lately?" He asked, sitting down next to Shindong and pretending he didn't see how Shindong inched further away from him.
"You mean just now? It's probably because you're practically naked and he has to leave in five minutes and that's not enough time for you two to," Shindong paused, shuddering, and looking quite ill, "do things."
Eeteuk put his hands on his knees and leaned closer to Shindong curiously. "What things?" Eeteuk had no idea what Shindong could possibly be talking about. The last time he and Kangin had any time alone all they'd done was watch a movie together and eat junk food until Eeteuk had eventually fallen asleep against Kangin's shoulder. And that really didn't deserve the kind of reaction that Shindong had given it. Unless Shindong was going crazy as well and didn't like movies, food, or sleeping and Eeteuk had it on good authority that Shindong did, in fact, like all of those things.
Shindong's mouth opened and shut a couple of times, causing Eeteuk to wonder if he was having some kind of stroke. "I have to leave," said Shindong, standing up abruptly. "This is an unhealthy environment," he muttered under his breath.
Eeteuk had to agree. They were living in an unhealthy environment in the last few days, what with all the crazy talk, yelling, and violent hand gestures. The root of the problem, that Eeteuk could see, was quite obviously Kangin. Whatever was going on with him was the start of it all and, Eeteuk decided, enough was enough. If he had to get yelled at one more time then at the very least he should be allowed to know why. That was only right.
Unfortunately, finding any time to talk to Kangin was a lot harder that Eeteuk had considered, especially when every time Eeteuk would enter the room Kangin would storm out yelling incoherently about something to do with Eeteuk and the way he looked, dressed, walked, talked, or breathed.
So Eeteuk took matters into his own hands and pushed Kangin into his bedroom in what he would like to think of as a brilliant sneak attack.
"We need to talk," said Eeteuk before Kangin could even open his mouth.
Kangin nodded slowly.
"Kangin," said Eeteuk, moving to stand in front of Kangin and placing his hands on either side of Kangin's face. He looked directly into his eyes and said, "I want you to tell me honestly. Are you on drugs?"
"What? No," said Kangin, jerking back. "What the hell, Eeteuk?"
Eeteuk shrugged. "It would explain a lot."
Kangin breathed out slowly before sitting down on the bed. He reached up to grab Eeteuk's hands and pulled him down beside him. "I really," he said, paused, and made a few vague hand gestures that Eeteuk didn't really understand that ended in a heart. "You."
"What?" Eeteuk asked, because that had made less sense than anything else had recently.
"You. I." Kangin looked momentarily lost, then he placed his hand on the back of Eeteuk's neck, leaned forward, and kissed him. It was a little awkward and rough at first, but Eeteuk's heartbeat sped up and he kissed Kangin back.
"Oh," he said as they broke apart. "Oh. I," he copied the hand movements that Kangin had done before and hoped they weren't nearly as obscene as he was afraid they were. "You, too."
"You both are so stupid," Heechul called through the closed door. "You deserve each other."