(no subject)

Apr 27, 2007 02:37

This was becoming a habit with him, taking out his feelings on innocent victims. A habit which had him spreading plastic out in his room and dragging the lioness out of the closet. It wasn't that she had done anything wrong, she was just there and accessible and made it easier for him to work through these damn feelings so he could get back to that calm numbness he so enjoyed. She was just something for him to cut and stab while he got things out of his system.

Like the need to comfort Sinister Scott tonight when he'd sounded so hollow and full of hate. The craving for the man's touch. Wanting to hear him say something nice, for Scott to be kind to him. That little thrill that went through him when Scott said 'mine'.

Sighing, he picked up her arms and legs and tossed them aside to give to Mickey later. It was no big deal. At least now he wouldn't have to worry about keeping her shackled. At least not until she shifted. Once they were out of the way, he went back to stabbing and thinking.

It was sick. It was degrading. Especially since he knew that Scott didn't care about him, that he was just an enjoyable distraction. And as soon as he got boring, he'd be replaced. He'd end up in one of Scott's little blenders and it would be all over with, while Scott found another little toy.

The last thought was accompanied by a loud thunk, and Jason looked down to find the large knife deeply embedded in the girl's heart. Fuck, he'd killed her.
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