haha goddamn XDDD

Dec 07, 2007 02:28

Holy hell! XD
It's been over a year since I posted something here.
It's kinda funny, ya know? I read some of the old journal entries and think "O_o wowwww wtf??"
Like Ruben
Fuck him. I've been so much better without him. I mean, I cry less, I have less fear. all that good stuff
And by fear, it branches out into so many different things, it's rediculous.
I suppose there's no sense in really hiding it anymore. There had been a couple instances where he'd try to take advantage of me against my will, and it frightened me to death. The only way I kept him from doing anything was either using his own weapons against him (since he had like 19 swords in his room) or personal strength. But the sad thing is, I don't understand why I didn't do anything about it after the FIRST time. Perhaps because I was still young.
All I know is
1) I thank god that nothing went too far because I never allowed it
and 2) Never again will a man do that to me. EVER!
I swear to god, I will not hesitate in harming them to hospitalization.
I was scared out of my mind after all of that, and to be quite honest, the thoughts still enter my head.

Now for the good stuff.
I finally go hired to work somewhere O_o jebus
it's not my job of choice, since I wanted to work at Hot Topic, but I never heard from them after our interview... but w/e
I'm now an employee at Forever 21 =/
creepy, huh? If it's one thing I can't stand about that store, it's the music.
For god's sake, the music!! >.< I just want to shoot the speakers sometimes.
or like
one of these days, watch. It'll be the usual music, then all of a sudden "WHAT'S UP, PEOPLE!? *banging, screaming, rocking*"
yeah. Death Note XD
Kinda like I used to do at my old job. We always messed with the iTrip. lmao
but yeah, this new job will be interesting. I wear alot of black, so yeah o-o;;
and there's one girl who works there who I used to have a class with in high school... I couldn't stand her. She'd always bad mouth me when I didn't even say a word to her. Like for the Career presentation thing, I based mine on Manga art, since that's what I wanna do. "omg please. What a nerd. I'll visit you in your cardboard box 15 years from now >:D"
tch. not like I cared. It's not like one person's opinion is going to change me and my views. I'm my own person. I always will be. You don't like it? Too bad. =/

Also, I signed up for college finally. I'm gonna major in art ^o^ yay!!!
It's weird.
like, each of my classes are an hour long, but Drawing class is 3 hours? O.o Not like I'm complaining. I just thought it was a bit odd. but my teacher is gonna be my high school freshman art teacher XD yay? Not really. She always had high expectations, but I swear to work hard to MEET those expectations. So yeah, classes start on January 7, and believe it or not, I'm rather excited. I mean, it's the beginning of my journey to becoming a manga artist!
I think back on it now, on how my parents used to tell me "You'll grow out of that. It's a phase" (not that they were putting me down, but it's like all kids. We say we wanna be a fireman and we turn out to be an office worker). But here I am. I have a strong passion for it, and I'm going to pursue it. And my family is behind me all the way. And I'm thankful.

Well, that's about it for now. I dunno when I'll type something again, but yeah XD
you all can catch me all the time on MSN or Myspace

MSN: tamahomegurl@msn.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/jakotsu_sama

so chyah. Later people

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