Mar 09, 2004 16:16
I have finished and completed my finals for the quarter. (ROXOR!!!!) I think this project has been my best so far.
On an even cooler note, all my roommates are moving out, which means I get to live in a clean, much more empty and less gross apartment. I have great plans for my formerly unusable kitchen/living room area. I'm looking for a reasonably small, working sewing machine. It doesnt have to be fancy, just able to sew. I'm willing to pay someone for one, within reason. Please let me know if you or someone you know has one they would be willing to part with.
Gage came to live with me last week, I nearly died of elation. I'm SO HAPPY she's back, its like I could base a million lifetimes on just being with her and Claire. Nothing interesting would have to happen, we generate excitement just by the act of being. She is coming to Evergreen in the fall, Claire in the Winter...everything will come together. Does anyone know of a farm that has extra feathers from ducks or turkies? We are looking for a more local source for our wing supplies.
I took my first ever nap during the day during lunch. I really had to, i just couldnt function otherwise. I love the sun. Its like consentrated energy.