Dec 06, 2008 00:46
I was watching a PBS documentary about the Summer of Love a few weeks ago, and marvelled that the idea that "you can control the definition of reality" drove people into disaesterous ruin as they broke down in the face of reality. what amazes me though, is that these ideals, which if followed, conclude in logical ruin, still persist today and are glorified as if they can exist outside of reality which naturally brought it to it's demise.
de-humanization of the "self". I'm still seeing this social evolution everywhere, into a more sterile "animal" state, supposedly as a route to happiness, but you can't fix being human by being subhuman.
that's my ultimate problem with Buddhism. The Buddha was a really smart guy. He figured it out. Desire is the cause of suffering. But the solution is wrong. Removing desire is removing what it means to be human. Removing humanity from the "self" to solve being human, distroys who you are. Instead, we should work to deeply understand our core human desires, and work to have them nurtured, not abused.