May 01, 2006 21:51
A Hoy Hoy!! Today was my last day of classes, very weird that it was my last day of classes as an undergraduate. Never thought that day would come.
David gave me a pretty new ring and its all official now, its so pretty I should really stop staring at it....
My pinning ceremony is May 17th and Graduation May 18th, then theres NCLEX review, then a bunch of zeedocta shows, I guess its like a pseudo tour now? That should be fun though, and no being stuck in a car with a bunch of stinky boys!!
I picked up some hours at work so maybe I wont be so damn broke anymore!! I wont know what to do with myself once I start making money, its going to be CRAZINESS.
I think my agenda for tomorrow is yoga in the a.m. then studying so I know what I am doing at Thursday's final. Wednesday to my friends house to study and pick up some of these awesome Lifestyle condoms that Temple sells for 10 cents each and maybe pick up my cap and gown and Graduation day tickets. Its gonna make it all offical, I am SO ecstatic (to graduate) ! Then Monday is my last final, so Jacque is having another lost weekend cramming all kinds of random nursing info in my head.
Ok, thats my update. Hope everyone has a good week!