WTF, Dude?!?

Sep 24, 2009 08:54

You are a local candidate for employment, driving from your house, in your car. And you show up in my office for your interview half an hour early? REALLY?!?!?!

When you show up for an interview that early, you hang out in your car until you're at a more reasonable 10 minutes early. Everybody knows that!!!

I have a lot going on today. I have three other visitors to the office today. The day was scheduled into a fairly delicate choreographed dance. You arriving in front of me half an hour early, when I was in the middle of something else because you weren't expected yet, and forcing me to switch up everything that I'm doing, and put you in a room with nothing to do so you can chill there for 30 minutes... that does not reflect good judgement on your part.

Showing poor judgement at the interview does not exactly up your chances of receiving a job offer. Doofus.

working for the man

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