Feb 01, 2010 19:31
...for a friend of mine's brother-in-law's intention to run for president in 2024. to me, it's a great field of trolling, but i can't help but wonder about this kid and his intentions. here's his plan to "erradicate the national deficit":
Step one: end the war(s), literally just say, "It's over for us, bye." and pull all U.S. troops out in a matter of 12-18 hours.
Step two: recall ALL overseas soldiers back to the U.S.
Step three: shut down and strip ALL overseas bases, except Hawaii, and sell the land to either the owning country or the U.N.
Step four: make a stipulation in the "bail out" money to the dealerships, banks, etc. to stop 3/4 of their overseas productions and/or imports. And have those "freed" up jobs instead given to the U.S. soldiers, no longer necissary to the DOD, and the current unemployed.
Step five: increase ALL taxes on imported electronics, automobiles, and foods. Whilst lowering the taxes on U.S. produced items.
(All the while, increasing exported goods...OUR GOODS)
now, i've been poking holes in this all week, but i know there's at least another smart person who can see my LJ, so i'm wondering what else i could be hitting on this.