May 13, 2005 01:35
It is now official, i will be departing Michigan for San Jose at 11:30am, on tuesday, may 17. I have no idea when i am coming home, all i know is that it will be sometime before the start of Fall semester. Half of me wants to quit GVSU and move out there for good, but unfortunatly, i also have a logical segment of my brain, somewhere up in that head of mine, telling me that wouldn't be the smartest of all decisions.
I wish i could say that i am really going to miss a lot here in saline, but i just don't think that would be a very true statement. I mean, don't get me wrong, there will be things that i am going to miss, but i think this need to go far away has been a long time coming. I can still remember my parents dropping me off at college for my first year, and me being scared out of my wits. I was in a new place, but i was with my best friend, in a familiar city not too far from home. Now, however, i am flying off to california for 3 monthes, to live in a city that i have only travelled to once. Without a job, with only a stick shift car to drive (i never learned how to drive manual cars), with my brother and brandon as my only 2 life lines within 2,000 miles+, and i'm not scared in the slightest bit. If anything, i am extremely pumped to see what this summer is going to bring!
It's funny to think about the growth of one's self. I look at myself now, and there are things that i can do now that i never dreamt i could do a brief 2 years ago. I'm beginning to see a little more of how the "real world," or so we call it when we are younger, is run. Shit is not as easy as it used to be when we were all 3 years old and playing in the mud. Back in those days all we had to worry about was little Jimmy pulling on our pigtails, or falling down and scraping our knees, or, worst of all, catching COOTIES!!! Heaven Forbid you ever came in contact with cooties, without first gettin your trusty cootie shot. I mean, honestly, when did we all grow up? When did we all start growing apart? I can still remember the words of advice my father gave me as i sat crying at the prospect of leaving my friends for college. Sadly, I didn't understand what he was trying to say to me as much then as i do now. He told me to be grateful of the times we had together, that true friendship never dies, and told me to wait 2 years to see if i can tell who those true friends really are. It's been 2 years, and i can begin to see what he was saying. For goodness sake, my best friend, and the person with whom i talk the most, lives like, 10 states south of me, but we still manage to call eachother on a regular basis. Then there are those friends who live just down the block, or just across town, who we can't seem to keep in touch with, or bother to call. I guess it's just sad to see how friendships change, and how people change. Time is a blackhole. It will pull many of us far away from eachother, swallowing up people's lives as it continues to grow. All we can do is hold on for as long as possible, but after awhile, our hands will slip and bonds with eachother will be broken.
I guess the point i'm trying to make through all of this is that we are simply human. Friends will betray us, others will help us up when we feel like we can no longer stand. Relationships come and go, but the true ones will last forever. I'm sad to see some of these relationships diminishing alreay, but am also glad to see the friendships that have grown stronge, and the new friendships that have emergered. I truely love and care for all of you. I always have, and i always will, no matter where time may take us, no matter what bonds may break.
Have a WONDERFUL summer everyone. I'm sure i will talk to many of you while i'm out there. If not, i will see you all in like, 3 monthes!