It's been a while old friend....

Feb 03, 2005 01:27

~*positive thoughts*~

Things out here at the vally have been going pretty great these past couple of days/past week or 2. I've been doing a whole lot of soul searching on who i want to be, how i want to be percieved, and who i really need in my life. As my horoscope this month says, "It is time to declutterize (if that's a word) my life." i started doing that with a complete make over of my room. And when i mean make over, i mean i am going to attempt to keep it clean. Now this may sound simple and petty, but if you know me, or better yet, if you live with me, you would realize that keeping my room clean is a very uncommon occurance. Oh well, you have to start somewhere. However, i realized that once my rom was clean, i felt a lot better. maybe it's because i have stopped tripping over things everytime i get step in my room, or maybe the old saying is right, "Living a lifestyle without clutter opens new oportunities" Lame saying, i know, but i'm starting to thik the person who said it really knew what they were talking about. Anyways, enough of me rambling on about keeping a clean room.

I've also started exercising a lot more! It's great. i've gotten into the habit of running at least 3 miles a day, and walking 1. I think it has really helped my energy level and stamina, because i'm feeling great!!!!! I wish i would have gotten into this habit while i was in cc in highschool, because i think it would have made cross a much better time, but oh well, what's in the past is in the past!

Random side note: i think the person that writes days of our lives has been video taping my life. Part of that soap really relates to my life, and sometimes it freaks me out.

I'm kind of nervous about these next couple of weeks. I don't really know why, or for that matter, why i should be, but i can't help it. i have a feeling that my actions are going to throw a lot of drama in my face, and i'm not quite ready to deal with that just yet. i don't know, i'm nervous. i just wish i could figure out what it is i really want, because as of right now i am torn. "Have you ever had the feeling, that we're starting in the middle?" because i have. ok, enough rambling about stupid shit that nobody understands. i guess it's just a way of getting it off my chest.

Today i realized, however, that there are a lot of things that i miss from home. i don't know why, but i was sitting outside, and i starting thinking back about this summer. I really miss all the random parties we went to. i miss jeff's keggers that were right across the street so i could just walk home, I miss jennie so much i wish i could hop on a plane and go down to visit her, i miss hanging out with the girls all the time and getting ourselves into random trouble, i miss the trips to the scary houses that we took in high school, i miss the world when we weren't at war, i guess i'm just missing all my friends. and when i say all, i mean, ALL! Even the ones that i'm not all that close with anymore, but would run into randomly over the summer. I miss talking walks with nate at 3 in the morning, i miss getting exctied when peoples parents would go out of town. i miss crashing on Jennie and Dani's couch, and waking up in the morning feeling as i was glued to the couch, because it got so hot in the summer. I miss the SUN!!!!!! P.s. Sun, this is your wake up call. We're all getting a little cold down here, so if you'd like to warm us up a little, that would be great.

I went skiing with tims family at crystal this past weekend. It was super fun. i think i want to move up north and quit school. it's just so beautiful! I think i could work at Arcadia Bluffs for the rest of my life and be satisfied. I don't know though, i'm feeling a pull from the Big Apple to see what life is like out there. A little different than up north......well, on opposite sides of the spctrum....but still, i think it would be an adventure!!!!

Anyways, this has been a really random post. I'm going home this weekend to hang out with my mom. My dad is out in cali visiting my brother, and working, so mom will be home alone for the next week, so i figured we could have some good old fashioded gilr time. Hit up the Malls (shop for spring berak clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Go out for dinner, order in and watch movies, go out and see movies. Just all those random chick things : ) I'm excited, it should be a relaxing weekend.

Ok, enough of my babbling. I have an accounting test tomorrow, and i think it is going to prove to be a killer :/ Wish me luck!!!!!! i love you all my darlings, and i hope you are all well!!!! <3 G'night moon.....goodnight clean room.....goodnight computer......goodnight loves!!!!! <3
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