Wait. Reverse that. Right? On we go!
So my absence of the last era was mostly due to a lack of time. It's not that I don't like you, all knowing and all seeing internet, I just have been busy. Now that school has started, it seems odd that I find myself with more time. Ah well, I'm not complaing.
So here's a rundown of all things that come to my head in no particular order that may interest you!
Tiffany leaves in under a month for destination Madagascar. If you are curious, we have decided to proceed as normal. The best way I've put it is we wont be looking for other people, although we really can't stop an act of god. She really is an amazing person, and if you haven't met her, maybe you should. 2 years 3 months isn't that long...right?
I've started my 5th year at the University of Minnesota and am feeling my age. It makes me have mixed feelings about this actually not being my last year (thanks course sequencing!), but I like living in party-land academia. It will make the 2 years 3 months go that much faster. Classes are a piece of cake compared to last year. I'm third chair in Symphonic band, but thats ok. I'm conducting Women's Athletic Band, so come to some games! I've also (subject to change) decided to conduct Hail! Minnesota at the inspection for the Iowa Game (Read: Not coming back to band next year). My bones and sanity need to have just a normal Saturday of drunken debauchery (oooh! Unintended alliteration!) I will most likely conduct for athletics again next year, assuming I don't make enemyies...
Olympics were neat. And it probably was not the best idea to have them in China.
RNC was fun. Let's never do that again. Who likes preemtive strikes on potential protesters? Who like Anarchists? St. Paul does!
A few video games on my Radar:
Left 4 Dead Diablo III/
Starcraft 2 Fallout 3