(no subject)

May 27, 2005 08:04


Neways, I'm bored...Not much to say either...I get my lisence today--Yay! lol, not soo entheusiastic today...Don't kno why. It's crazy, but I p/o'd some1 this mornin already, lol...At least I think I did, but it's cool, cuz I don't care anymore cuz God took my burdens off my shoulders!! I'm not worried about it at ALL, cuz I'm happy, but not excited bout gettin my lisence, lol, I kinda am actually! If I think more about it! hahaha, I get to drive all around! Plus, I am hopin my mom will put me on the insurance list so I can drive. I guess thaz prolly why I'm not so excited cuz I thik she is going to procrastinate about puttin me on the list. Lol, she will, it'll end up that I'll be on the list by next week, or even four months, lol... She prolly doesn't want me to drive myself neways, but oh well, it's weird I guess. I'll be excited when I get put on the list, becuz that'z when I'll be able to drive, I think.

I unno wut else to say...I'm boreded - ok I do, lol I just remembered...

I GOT THE JOB AT ARBY'S oh yeah, I rawk! lol, my first job! Didn't expect to be workin at fast food, but it's better than McDonalds or Burger King. I am excited, I got orientation 2morrow @ 9AM, and I mite start Monday, but I mite move that to Tuesday... I unno... Ya'll get to visit me in Altoona when I wurk!!! WELLPS---I'M OUT-Later peepz

hahahahahahaha---i JUST REMEMBERED--Today walkin from the walker buildin up to the cafeteria, I saw two squirrels doing it on the school sidewalk by the fense of the construction!! It was hilarious, hahaha, the male squirrel must have been really excited and happy, cuz he was Fast at wut he was doin, hahah a lil inapropriate for kids though, but then the female didn't like it and ran off, hahaha, then the male fallowed her...HAHAHAH IT WAS HILARIOUS

God Bless
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