Disclaimer : I own nothing
Onslaught stormed into the tower leading to the outside of the base. He had already run into Swindle and set the smaller mech off with a job to try and find Vortex and Blast-off inside the base while he searched outside.
Smashing the button opening the door he jumped out to begin his search.
Vortex, you and Blast-off had better be alright when I find the two of you.
Vortex looked around the cave entrance to see Hound and Mirage making their way toward him and Blast-off. He had to think quick. On the one servo he could leave Blast-off and get help or escape. On the other servo he could stay here and get caught along with him.
“We know your there, come on out Decepticreeps!”
Too close for comfort
He turned back to the now unconscious Blast-off and shoved as well as he could into a corner before turning tail and charging out of the cave.
Needless to say the two Autobots were surprised.
Swindle ran through the hallways looking from room to room hoping to see the two Combaticons doing their own things without any problems. That and hoping he wouldn't end up running into the seekers again.
But lo and behold just as he was turning the corner he ran into a seeker knocking them both off their feet.
“What in the name of Primus are you doing!” That shrill scream was easily recognizable. Starscream.
Quickly getting up he tried to explain himself only to stop when Starscream suddenly grabbed his arm pulling Swindle so he was merely inches from the others faceplate.
“I suppose I'll have to punish you for running into the true Decepticon leader,” Starscream snarled with an evil intent showing in his optics.
Brawl looked up from having finally beat his opponent in the drinking contest. Now Swindle was showing signs of fear, Onslaught barely suppressed fury, Vortex a feeling of stupid bravery, and Blast-off nothing.
Now he knew something was wrong. Blast-off never slept at this point in time.
Drunkenly he tried to get to his feet only to find his face meeting the floor.
Vortex charged straight at Hound expecting to give him a good punch to the face only for his fist to go straight through. Once he got to the other side of Hound he turned around to see Hound and Mirage vanish, holograms.
Onslaught hovered over the ocean looking to see if Vortex and Blast-off were on their way back to the base when he spotted something out of the corner of his optic. Looking to the source of interest he saw what. Lights underwater?
Deactivating his anti-gravity he dropped towards the ocean. Vortex you had better be down there and you had better be alright.
Vortex was very much confused and outnumbered. For every hologram he got rid off another hound and Mirage took its place. He was starting to think he was going to be caught when a series of gunfire came out of seemingly nowhere taking out a majority of the holograms. Turning to the source he saw where they came from or rather who.
“Hey Onslaught!” He waved his arms around expecting to be acknowledged.
He was sorely disappointed when Onslaught just continued shooting without giving any signs he had seen the other con. Shrugging he just went back to taking out the holograms.
Once all of the holograms seem to have been dissolved Vortex started jumping up and down in joy completely ignoring the look Onslaught was giving him.
“Vortex” When he saw that the helicopter didn't hear he yelled, “Vortex!” When the other turned around he simply asked one question, “Where's Blast-Off?”
Vortex just gave him a dumb look before muttering, “Slag.”
Hound stood on the mainland watching the water as he thought about his and Mirage's mission. Turning around he went to help Mirage carry the unconscious Blast-off wondering why Optimus wanted them to capture the Combaticons without injuring any of the members.