제 2 과 - 대학 켐퍼스: End of chapter notes

Oct 13, 2008 11:13

Responses to "[...] 어때요?" (How are/is [you/someone]?)
바빠요 - To be busy.
그저 그래요. - So-so
괜찮아요. - Alright.
좋아요. - Fine/good.

Asking the identity of an object, thing, or concept.
(noun)이/가 뭐예요?
이게 뭐예요? (이게 = 이것 + particle 이 = thing) - What is this?
이름이 뭐예요? - What's your/the name?
전화번호가 뭐예요? (전화 = phone, 번호 = number) - What's your/the phone number?

Asking about and action or activity.
뭐 해요?/뭐 하세요?
뭐 해요? - What are you doing?
한국어 공부해요. - Studying Korean.

Asking about the existence of an object.
[place]에 뭐가 있어요?
교실 안에 뭐가 있어요? (교실 = classroom) - What's in the classroom?
교실 안에 사전이 있어요. - (A/my dictionary is in the classroom.)

Classroom Phrases
책을 펴세요. - Open the/your book.
책을 덮으세요. - Close the/your book.
칠판을 보세요. - Look at the blackboard.
따라하세요. - Repeat after me. (lit. to follow)
쓰세요. - Please write.
읽으세요. - Please read.
잘 들으세요. - Listen carefully.
다시 한 번 말씀해 주세요. - Can you say that once more?
크게 말씀해 주세요. - Please speak louder?
천천히 말씀해 주세요. - Please speak slowly.

korean: vocabulary, korean: lessons

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