24th moon [video]

Mar 17, 2011 01:17

[The room is dark, as befitting the middle of the night. The soft sounds of sleeping Pokémon can be heard, undisturbed. A shadow that appears to be an Eevee can be seen sleeping on a pillow at the head of the bed. Cecil is in the middle of it, sitting up, his skin so pale it almost glows. The sheets around him are rumpled, twisted by an uneasy sleep. He looks tired, but does not sleep.]

I dreamed. I dreamed of them. I miss them all, I think. Even those who are waiting for me. Even those who came here but left. Even those we've forgotten. I hope they do not think badly of us because of it. I'll try to remember their names, next time.

[He sounds lost, somehow. Perhaps lost within a dream. Perhaps lost within a memory. But he soon shakes his head.]

So many opportunities, yet I've never asked. About any of it, Conflict and home both. Well, he never volunteered the information either. All that talk of foolishness and crystals and plans, but he never bothered...

[He interrupts himself.]

I apologize. I appear to be overly sentimental tonight. The exact date matters little in the end. I should simply choose one and be done with it, after all these years.

[He reaches out and closes the Pokégear.

Not that he'll sleep for the rest of the night.]

lol prequels, slowly realizing things, brother issues, can has birthday?, professional angster, thinking a lot

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