I feel I should head this historic first-ever entry with some form of self-anaylsist. But I won't because it's too much like hard work so figure me out for yourself. Suffice to say I'm pretty cool most of the time, I generally try to improve myself (whatever that means) and I really value the friends I have. Also I have pretty large muscles which may or may not turn you on.
Now the introduction is over I can complain uninhibited:
My increasing absence from school has been affecting my sleep a lot. I know everyone seems to have crazy sleep at the moment but the other day I actually sleep-walked. First time in years. And, what's more, I managed to walk downstairs asleep, which is horrible to think about. I found myself hovering over the toaster (the empty toaster) waiting for my cuisine. It wasn't as shocking as one might think though, because I had been sort of - dreaming - about what I was doing. Still though, t'was mighty queer.
Anyway here's the good part, upon regaining consciousness, and the realisation that it was only 6.15, I could feel a flicker of a plan formulating. An idea so mischevous, so malign, that Lucifer himself couldn't have thought up such a scheme.
Yes, you've guessed it. I made... a honey cake.
And boy was it delicious. A blend of cinnamon, ginger and bicarbonate of soda helping to define the taste of a truly C+ grade cake.
Went into town this weekend, and bought a bunch of gear. New album by 'two gallants' which is really good and kind of new age folk. + they look nice and grimy
http://www.solarculture.org/images/concerts/two%20gallants.jpgI acquired a new vest (boy oh boy) that you may well see over the next few weeks. I also practiced smiling and trying to start a convo with a perfect stranger which kind of half worked, I felt pleased regardless.
Oscar's on Friday was really enjoyable and the vibe was just what I was looking for - way better than the big fire show on saturday which was mediocre verging on poor. Although there were some good moments. Maisie's remarkable nose for instance, and colonel's arrival brightened things up (as always, swooon) but it didn't seem like a great 'waste of an evening'.
Spent today periodically sleeping and watched Princess Mononoke again (if anyone wants to borrow this, just ask, because it's really good).
Well that about ties things up -The birds are starting to sing- I think I'll give school a miss tommorow, hopefully infuriating Brendan.