Руки прочь от Мюллера

Dec 21, 2017 16:57

Республиканская атака на Мюллера и ФБР продолжается на нескольких фронтах.

Заместителя директора ФБР Эндрю Маккейба мурыжат допросами в Конгрессе и пытаются вынудить уйти в отставку. Одновременно республиканцы выписывают повестки другим сотрудникам и руководителям ФБР.

Congressional investigators tell Fox News that Tuesday’s seven-hour interrogation of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe contained numerous conflicts with the testimony of previous witnesses, prompting the Republican majority staff of the House Intelligence Committee to decide to issue fresh subpoenas next week on Justice Department and FBI personnel.

Группа республиканских конгрессменов во главе с пресловутым Нунесом плетет тайный заговор в координации с Белым домом, пытаясь использовать дискредитацию досье.

A group of House Republicans has gathered secretly for weeks in the Capitol in an effort to build a case that senior leaders of the Justice Department and FBI improperly - and perhaps criminally - mishandled the contents of a dossier that describes alleged ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, according to four people familiar with their plans.
A subset of the Republican members of the House intelligence committee, led by Chairman Devin Nunes of California, has been quietly working parallel to the committee's high-profile inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. They haven't informed Democrats about their plans, but they have consulted with the House's general counsel.

Демократы бьют тревогу. Вчера в Сенате с предупреждением об опасности увольнения Мюллера выступал Марк Уорнер .

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Congress must make clear to the President that firing the Special Counsel, or interfering with his investigation by issuing pardons of essential witnesses, is unacceptable, and would have immediate and significant consequences.
- Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) December 20, 2017

Сегодня в Палате представителей 171 конгрессмен во главе с Максин Уотерс подписали письмо Розенштейну и устроили пресс-конференцию "Protect Mueller".

“We write to express our support for the work of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, and to urge you to ensure that he be allowed to continue his investigation - unfettered by political influence or threats to his authority - to its natural and appropriate conclusion based on the law, the facts, and the evidence.”

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This is about our democracy. House Democrats want to ensure the independence of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation of the #TrumpRussia connection. pic.twitter.com/2oOyp49SOU
- House Democrats (@HouseDemocrats) December 21, 2017

По адресу https://www.trumpisnotabovethelaw.org идет запись на публичную массовую акцию протеста в случае увольнения Мюллера.

We need to be ready to take action quickly if #Mueller is fired or his investigation is imperiled. Many groups have coordinated plans for a rapid response when this occurs.

Please find the action planned nearest to you and sign up to receive alerts. https://t.co/Dlhlqx86ED
- The Loyal Opposition (@TheLoyalO) December 21, 2017

#mueller, #trumprussia, ФБР, Мюллер, Конгресс

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