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Статья Юлии Иоффе о путинских планах начинается с описания соревнования хакеров в Волгограде.
The large, sunny room at Volgograd State University smelled like its contents: 45 college students, all but one of them male, hunched over keyboards, whispering and quietly clacking away among empty cans of Juicy energy drink. “It looks like they’re just picking at their screens, but the battle is intense,” Victor Minin said as we sat watching them.
Clustered in seven teams from universities across Russia, they were almost halfway into an eight-hour hacking competition, trying to solve forensic problems that ranged from identifying a computer virus’s origins to finding secret messages embedded in images. Minin was there to oversee the competition, called Capture the Flag, which had been put on by his organization, the Association of Chief Information Security Officers, or ARSIB in Russian.
В сентябре 2016 в Волгограде побывал госсекретарь
штата Алабама Джон Меррилл, в качестве наблюдателя за выборами в Госдуму. Увиденным остался доволен.
The Russian national election - to select members of the Duma, the 450-seat lower house of Parliament - was a landslide victory for President Vladimir Putin’s United Russian party.
“We had unfiltered, unbridled access and could walk in unannounced. There were no incidents I saw where people were heavily influenced to support one party or candidate over another.” <...>
Merrill said he was the only elected official among the 50 or so American election observers. Why?
“It was a lot of work,” he surmised.
From the time he started observing at 7 a.m. until the next day’s follow-up surveys, Merrill said he worked 23 hours with a four-hour sleep break. Примерно в это же время Алабама стала одним из штатов, в избирательные системы которого пытались проникнуть российские хакеры.
In a statement, the Alabama secretary of state's office said Homeland Security notified it of “suspicious traffic from IP addresses connected to election-related activity” but reported that “Alabama's system protections and preparations were successful in thwarting attempted hackers from breaching state networks and voting systems during the attacks.”
Похоже, что контакты Меррилла с Россией начались еще раннее. В его усилиях ввести "voter ID" в Алабаме ему импонировало российское правило предъявлять паспорт при голосовании.
There is, of course, widespread debate about the merits of these new laws. Proponents claim that ID laws are necessary to reduce fraud and to restore trust in the democratic system. Critics claim that voter ID laws serve as effective barriers that limit the legitimate participation of racial and ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged groups. Who is right? Scholars have been able to show that racial and ethnic minorities have less access to photo IDs, and extensive analysis reveals almost no evidence of voter fraud of the type ostensibly prevented by these laws. Насколько удачно прошел обмен опытом Волгограда с Алабамой, мы узнаем на сегодняшних выборах.
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