Воспользовавшись поводом, упомянутый в досье Стила Константин Косачев (глава комитета Совета Федерации по международным делам) удалил свой аккаунт в Твиттере.
The Kremlin insider went on to identify leading pro-PUTIN Duma figure, Konstantin KOSACHEV (Head of the Foreign Relations Committee) as an important figure in the TRUMP campaign-Kremlin liaison operation. KOSACHEV, also “plausibly deniable” being part of the Russian legislature rather than executive, had facilitated the contact in Prague and by implication, may have attended the meeting/s with COHEN there in August. https://themoscowproject.org/dossier.html
Вчера и позавчера Майкл Коэн, предполагаемый партнер Косачева по переговорам, давал показания в Конгрессе за закрытыми дверями.
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, returned to the Hill on Wednesday for a second day of marathon testimony before congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the election
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Comments 3
The Kremlin insider went on to identify leading pro-PUTIN Duma figure, Konstantin KOSACHEV (Head of the Foreign Relations Committee) as an important figure in the TRUMP campaign-Kremlin liaison operation. KOSACHEV, also “plausibly deniable” being part of the Russian legislature rather than executive, had facilitated the contact in Prague and by implication, may have attended the meeting/s with COHEN there in August.
Вчера и позавчера Майкл Коэн, предполагаемый партнер Косачева по переговорам, давал показания в Конгрессе за закрытыми дверями.
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, returned to the Hill on Wednesday for a second day of marathon testimony before congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the election ( ... )
Во вторник: Extremist Content and Russian Disinformation Online: Working with Tech to Find Solutions
В среду: Social Media Influence in the 2016 U.S. Elections
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