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И Трампа, и его избирателей сравнивали с Арчи Банкером - архетипичным героем All in the family, самого популярного телесериала 1970ых. Банкер - недалёкий папаша из простой семьи в Куинс, отягощённый расовыми и другими предрассудками. Под конец первого сезона аудитория All in the family составляла 60 миллионов человек. Америка, избравшая Никсона, узнавала себя в зеркале и, смеясь, понемногу расставалась с предрассудками.
Сериал создал легендарный продюсер Норман Лир. В 1981, откликаясь на наступление право-религиозной реакции, Лир создал организацию People for the American Way (PFAW). В учредительном заявлении говорится:
Our purpose is to meet the challenges of discord and fragmentation with an affirmation of “the American Way.” By this, we mean pluralism, individuality, freedom of thought, expression and religion, a sense of community, and tolerance and compassion for others.
Одна из инициатив PFAW (начатая в 2006) - Right Wing Watch, который ведёт наблюдение за эксцессами правой пропаганды, включая ее
связи с Кремлём.
Вчера PFAW подали в суд на Министерство юстиции и ФБР, требуя предоставить подтверждение отмазки Джефа Сешнса о том, почему он
не указал о своих контактах с российскими представителями, заполняя форму для получения доступа к секретной информации.
Today, People For the American Way, represented by American Oversight and People For the American Way Foundation, filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to force the agencies to disclose the instructions that the FBI gave to Attorney General Jeff Sessions when he was applying for a security clearance.
A previous FOIA request by American Oversight confirmed reports that Mr. Sessions failed to disclose contacts with Russian government officials on his Standard Form 86 security clearance document. The Department of Justice has claimed that Mr. Sessions “was instructed [by the FBI investigator handling the background check] not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities.”
Юридическая организация American Oversight, которая подготовила обращение в суд, делает это в рамках своего проекта Russian Interference and Trump Administration Actions.
We know that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election to support the Trump campaign, and we know that law enforcement and security agencies of the U.S. government have opened investigations into that interference. A special counsel has been appointed to investigate, but it is time for the administration to start telling the truth. American Oversight launched an investigation to get straight answers to some of the most pressing, non-classified questions about how the Trump administration has conducted itself in the face of these Russia allegations. Их предыдущий успех - вынудили Министерство юстиции и ФБР официально признать, что жалобы Трампа на его прослушивание Обамой были враньём.
“The FBI and Department of Justice have now sided with former Director Comey and confirmed in writing that President Trump lied when he tweeted that former President Obama ‘wiretapped’ him at Trump Tower. As the president and his legal team continue their smear campaign against Mr. Comey, Special Counsel Mueller and others investigating him, this filing confirms that even Trump’s own Department of Justice does not believe he has credibility on a key element of the Russia investigation. With Special Counsel Mueller’s team closing in - and reportedly investigating attempts by Mr. Trump to mislead the public on Russia - this filing serves as further proof that the president’s words simply cannot be trusted.”