"On his phone"

Aug 31, 2017 21:41

Originally posted by yakov_a_jerkov at "On his phone"
Помните Трамп Джуниор дал интервью Хэннити, после того как NYT написал о встрече с "российским адвокатом"? Вот фрагмент этого интервью: HANNITY: The whole contact took how long? How long was the meeting?

TRUMP JR.: About 20 minutes or so.

HANNITY: About 20 minutes. And Jared left after 5 or 10?


HANNITY: Like she said? And Paul Manafort was on his...

TRUMP JR.: On his phone.

HANNITY: The whole time?

TRUMP JR.: Pretty much.

HANNITY: Pretty much.

TRUMP JR.: It -- it -- listen, like I said...


TRUMP JR.: ... pretty really apparent that this was not what we were in there talking about.

HANNITY: A lot of people are going to want to know this about your father. Did you tell your father anything about this?

TRUMP JR.: No. It was such a nothing. There was nothing to tell. I mean, I wouldn't have remembered it until you start scouring through the stuff. It was -- it was literally just a wasted 20 minutes, which was a shame.
Что нам тут Джуниор и Трамп пытаются объяснить? То, что митинг был "such a nothing".

Какую мысль должна вызвать информация о том, что Мэнафорт был "on his phone pretty much the whole time"? Ту же самую -- "it was such a nothing".

Что думает телезритель, когда слышит, что Мэнафорт был "on his phone pretty much the whole time"? То, что русские рассказывали такую бесполезную ерунду, что Мэнафорт, вместо того, чтобы их слушать, окучивал Интернет "pretty much the whole time" -- новости там читал, e-mail'ы посылал...

А что было на самом деле? А вот что -- Manafort Notes From Russian Meet Refer to Political Contributions: Paul Manafort's notes from a controversial Trump Tower meeting with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign included a mention of political contributions near a reference to the Republican National Committee, two sources briefed on the evidence told NBC News. [...]

Manafort's notes, typed on a smart phone and described by one source briefed on the matter as cryptic, were turned over to the House and Senate intelligence committees and to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They contained a reference to political contributions and "RNC" in close proximity, the sources said.
Ну, а что не так? Был Мэнафорт "on his phone pretty much the whole time"? Был.

Манафорт, республиканцы, антураж

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