Обнаружился дополнительный
канал связи между избирательной кампанией Трампа и российскими представителями - некто George Papadopoulos, который предлагал через свои контакты устроить встречу с самим Путиным.
Three days after Donald Trump named his campaign foreign policy team in March 2016, the youngest of the new advisers sent an email to seven campaign officials with the subject line: “Meeting with Russian Leadership - Including Putin.”
The adviser, George Papadopoulos, offered to set up “a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump,” telling them his Russian contacts welcomed the opportunity, according to internal campaign emails read to The Washington Post.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-campaign-emails-show-aides-repeated-efforts-to-set-up-russia-meetings/2017/08/14/54d08da6-7dc2-11e7-83c7-5bd5460f0d7e_story.html 21 марта 2016 Трамп назвал Пападопулоса в числе своих советников по международной политике, через запятую после
Картера Пейджа.
Trump began the hour-long meeting by pulling out a list of some of his foreign policy advisers. "Walid Phares, who you probably know. PhD, adviser to the House of Representatives. He’s a counterterrorism expert," Trump said. "Carter Page, PhD. George Papadopoulos. He’s an oil and energy consultant. Excellent guy.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/03/21/donald-trump-reveals-foreign-policy-team-in-meeting-with-the-washington-post/ LinkedIn page of Trump foreign policy adviser Papadopoulos lists Model UN as credential.
https://t.co/eyzbfNeANc pic.twitter.com/gXYlYmOQ7g- Jia Lynn Yang (@jialynnyang)
March 21, 2016 Уже тогда это имя показалось подозрительным из-за отсутствия у этого "советника" серьезного опыта или экспертизы, а также его пропутинских взглядов.
The news media soon reported that Papadopoulos seemed to have exaggerated elements of his résumé. And, touting his position as a Trump adviser, Papadopoulos began offering positive comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin to foreign audiences.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/anyone--with-a-pulse-how-a-russia-friendly-adviser-found-his-way-into-the-trump-campaign/2017/05/25/32438f72-4014-11e7-8c25-44d09ff5a4a8_story.html Интригует связь Папандопулоса с
Сергеем Миллианом, которого называют возможным источником Кристофера Стила в его знаменитом досье.
Millian told several people that during the campaign and presidential transition he was in touch with George Papadopoulos, a campaign foreign policy adviser, according to a person familiar with the matter. Millian is among Papadopoulos’s nearly 240 Facebook friends.