Сюжет шпионского романа

Jul 22, 2017 08:58

Уместно вспомнить некоторые из показаний Джеффа Сешнса под присягой в Сенате:

Let me state this clearly, colleagues. I have never met with or had any conversation with any Russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States. Further, I have no knowledge of any such conversations by anyone connected to the Trump campaign. I was your colleague in this body for 20 years, at least some of you. And the suggestion that I participated in any collusion that I was aware of, any collusion with the Russian government to hurt this country which I have served with honor for 35 years, or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process an appalling and detestable lie.

COTTON: Do you like spy fiction: John le Carre, Daniel Silva, Jason Matthews?
SESSIONS: Yeah, Alan Furst, David Ignatius’ books.
COTTON: Do you like Jason Bourne or James Bond movies?
SESSIONS: No, yes, I do.
COTTON: Have you ever ever in any of these fantastical situations heard of a plot line so ridiculous that a sitting United States senator and an ambassador of a foreign government colluded at an open setting with hundreds of other people to pull off the greatest caper in the history of espionage?
SESSIONS: Thank you for saying that, Senator Cotton. It's just like through the looking glass. I mean, what is this? I explained how in good faith I said I had not met with Russians, because they were suggesting I as a surrogate had been meeting continuously with Russians. I said I didn't meet with them and now, the next thing you know I'm accused of some reception plotting some sort of influence campaign for the American election. It's just beyond my capability to understand, and I really appreciate, Mr. Chairman, the opportunity to at least to be able to say publicly I didn't participate in that and know nothing about it.
COTTON: And I gather that's one reason why you wanted to testify today in public. Last week Mr. Comey in characteristic dramatic and theatrical fashion alluded ominously to what you call innuendo, that there was some kind of classified intelligence that suggested you might have colluded with Russia or that you might have otherwise acted improperly. You've addressed those allegations here today. Do you understand why he made that allusion?
SESSIONS: Actually I do not. Nobody's provided me any information.

Теперь стало понятней, что именно имел в виду Коми, когда он сказал, что в ФБР заранее предполагали, что Сешнсу в любом случае придётся взять самоотвод в российском расследовании: "We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an opening setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia-related investigation problematic." Washington Post сообщает о том, что перехваченные американскими спецслужбами отчеты Кисляка в Москву противоречат предыдущим заявлениям Сешнса о содержании его разговоров с Кисляком.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions - then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump - were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign.
One U.S. official said that Sessions - who testified that he had no recollection of an April encounter - has provided “misleading” statements that are “contradicted by other evidence.” A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had “substantive” discussions on matters including Trump’s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S.-Russia relations in a Trump administration.

Некоторые комментаторы предполагают, что информация в статье Washington Post была слита самим Трампом или людьми из его ближайшего окружения для того, чтобы создать повод для увольнения Сешнса и последующего увольнения прокурора Мюллера. Поживём-увидим.

Сама же информация представляется правдивой и согласуется с предыдущим анализом обстоятельств встречи 8 сентября 2016.

Сешнс, Кисляк, Конгресс

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