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Comments 2

tijd May 12 2017, 21:55:06 UTC
Дата письма, опубликованного Трампом - 8 марта. Почему именно эта дата?

Накануне, 7 марта, стало известно о предстоящих в Конгрессе слушаниях: http://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/21084.html
Одновременно стали "падать ботинки" в российской истории: http://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/21651.html


tijd May 13 2017, 13:26:09 UTC
Из консервативного National Review:

My absolute favorite tidbit this week came with the news that President Trump has sent Lindsey Graham a “certified letter” to clear up the whole Russia business. From Trump’s interview with Lester Holt :

I have a certified letter, just so you understand. Uh, I’m not just saying that. I’ve given the letter, I’ve given the letter to Senator Lindsey Graham, he has the letter, and I think frankly, uh, it’s, I assume he’s gonna give the letter out but it says I am not involved in Russia.

Maybe this is a stretch, but to my ear this sounds like a classic example of the sort of flim-flammery common to condo salesmen. A certified letter just sounds so much more serious! “I’m sending you a certified letter saying you owe me the rest of the down payment! You hear me? It’s certified. So, you better pay up or get yourself a lawyer!”

If you go to the Post Office’s website , you’ll learn that a Certified Letter is actually a trademark of the United States Postal Service:

Certified Mail ( ... )


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