
Mar 29, 2017 08:17

В понедельник воскресные протесты в России стали центральной новостью в американских СМИ.

Госдеп выпустил дежурное заявление от имени и.о. пресс-секретаря:

The United States will monitor this situation, and we call on the government of Russia to immediately release all peaceful protesters. The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve a government that supports an open marketplace of ideas, transparent and accountable governance, equal treatment under the law, and the ability to exercise their rights without fear of retribution.

Оборот речи "the Russian people, like people every everywhere, deserve ..." явно отсылает к знаменитому высказыванию Хиллари Клинтон в декабре 2011:

The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted. And that means they deserve fair, free, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them.

Между тем и Трамп, и Тиллерсон хранят гордое молчание. Шон Спайсер на брифинге, предвидя вопросы потэтому поводу, зачитал заявление Госдепа, но не смог ответить на вопрос, разделяет ли эту позицию сам Трамп.

Q: Just a quick housekeeping note. At the beginning of the briefing, you read out that the State Department stated on the protests and arrests in Russia. Does that reflect the White House's views?

MR. SPICER: That reflects the view of the United States government.

Под "United States government" в данном случае следует очевидно понимать пресловутый "deep state".

Под шумок прекратился ежедневный брифинг в Госдепе https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/index.htm Возможно, там ищут нового пресс-секретаря.

Протесты в России - не единственный повод высказаться в адрес России. Пентагон сообщает о нарушениях Договора Рейгана-Горбачева о ликвидации ракет средней и меньшей дальности и других ключевых международных соглашений. Из показаний генерала Скапаротти:

Russia’s malign actions are supported by its diplomatic, information, economic, and military initiatives. Moscow intends to reemerge as a global power, and views international norms such as the rule of law, democracy, and human rights as components of a system designed to suppress it. Therefore, Russia seeks to undermine this international system and discredit those in the West who have created it. For example, Russia is taking steps to influence the internal politics of European countries just as it tried to do in the United States in an attempt to create disunity and weakness within Europe and undermine the transatlantic relationship. Furthermore, Russia has repeatedly violated international agreements and treaties that underpin European peace and stability, including the Treaty on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) and the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), and it is undermining transparency and confidence building regimes such as the Vienna Document and Open Skies, which provides greater transparency of posture and exercises in the region.

Завтра в комиссии Палаты представителей по вооруженным силам пройдут слушания на тему "Consequencies and context for Russia's violations of the INF treaty".

Но поскольку Путин и Песков отрицают нарушение договора, Трампу тоже проще отмолчаться.

"Russia has been, remains and will remain committed to all international obligations, including those arising from the INF Treaty. I want to remind you of Putin's words about the fact that Russia sticks to the international obligations, even if in situations where sometimes it doesn't correspond to Russia's interests. Russia still remains committed to its obligations, so we disagree and reject any accusations on this point."

QUESTION: There was a ballistic missile test that many interpret as a violation of an agreement between the two countries; and a Russian plane buzzed a U.S. destroyer.
TRUMP: Not good.
QUESTION: Can we conclude there will be no response to these particular provocations?
TRUMP: I'm not going to tell you anything about what response I do.

Госдеп, война, Конгресс

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