Что знают в ЦРУ

Jan 17, 2017 09:38

В интервью Fox News, которое вызвало твиттерное раздражение Трампа, нынешний директор ЦРУ отказался подтвердить или опровергнуть сведения о том, что избирательная кампания Трампа координировала свои действия с российскими спецслужбами. Он только указал на то, что если в ЦРУ поступают сведения о нелегальной активности американских граждан, они обязаны по закону передать эти сведения в ФБР.

WALLACE: Does the intelligence community have any information -- I’m not talking about rumors, any information -- about contacts between the Trump camp and associates of the Kremlin about discussions during the campaign about hacking the Democrats?

BRENNAN: The intelligence community collects foreign intelligence on foreign parties, entities or people. If in the course of our intelligence collection, we pick up information related to U.S. persons or officials, which we refer to as incidental collection, we share that information with the appropriate authorities. In most instances, that’s the FBI.

And so, if we did come into contact with that type of information, it would have been shared with the FBI, and we would make sure that our intelligence committees then were aware of it as well.

WALLACE: So, is there such information?

BRENNAN: I’d just say, if we came into -- if had that type of information, we would share it with the FBI.

WALLACE: I mean, I just would say, that's not a denial, sir.

BRENNAN: Well, I wouldn't confirm or deny something like that on your program, as much as I respect you, Chris.

WALLACE: Thank you, sir.

Это вполне можно интерпретировать, как намёк, что такие сведения были получены и переданы в ФБР. Что с ними произошло дальше - непонятно. В поведении ФБР во время выборов вообще было много странного. По этому поводу Министерством юстиции открыто расследование.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today that, in response to requests from numerous Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various organizations, and members of the public, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will initiate a review of allegations regarding certain actions by the Department of Justice (Department) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in advance of the 2016 election.

О наличии российского компромата на Трампа в сентябре открыто говорил Evan McMullin, бывший сотрудник ЦРУ и неудавшийся кандидат в президенты, со ссылкой на своих бывших коллег.

"I hear from some of my old intelligence friends that Donald Trump has been engaged in some activities in Russia that Vladimir Putin may be using to blackmail Trump. There is a lot going on there that I don’t think has come to light fully… You can see it in Donald Trump’s actions."

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О том, что сотрудники ЦРУ предупреждают своих зарубежных коллег об опасности попадания секретной информациии к скомпроментированному Трампу (во избежание утечки в Россию) рассказывают источники в Израиле и Великобритании. В статье Sunday Times говорится:

A US intelligence source said the CIA and other agencies saw Trump as a “hostile actor” who was “very possibly compromised by Russia”. A British intelligence source with extensive transatlantic experience said US spies had labelled Trump and his advisers’ links to the Kremlin “problematic”.

“Until we have established whe­ther Trump and senior mem­­bers of his team can be trusted, we’re going to hold back,” the source said.

“Putting­ it bluntly, we can’t risk betraying sources and methods to the Russians.”

ФБР, компромат, ЦРУ

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