Флинн влип

Mar 17, 2017 11:33

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После нашумевшей передачи про налоги Трампа Рэйчел Мэддоу вернулась к теме России, на этот раз вокруг скандала с деньгами, которые генерал Флинн, грубо нарушая Конституцию США, получил от России через RT.

Упомянутые документы и письмо Elijah Cummings, заместителя председателя House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, собраны здесь:
Много инкриминирующих деталей.

Можно вспомнить, что как только Трамп в качестве кандидата в президенты начал получить брифинг от разведки с совершенно секретной информацией, он приводил с собой Флинна. Первый брифинг был 18 августа 2016, на следующий день после того, как Трамп официально нанял Стива Бэннона в качестве руководителя своей избирательной кампании. Детали таких брифингов держатся обычно в строгом секрете, но они просочились из-за того, что сам Трамп стал про них распространяться. Выяснилось, что Флинн на брифинге задавал множество вопросов и вел себя необычно агрессивно:

Six current and former senior officials said they were aware of friction between retired Gen. Michael Flynn, one of the advisers Trump brought to the briefing, and the officials who conducted the briefing. Four sources with knowledge of the briefing - including two intelligence officials who spoke to people in the room - said Flynn repeatedly interrupted the briefers until New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie intervened. <...> ...four people with knowledge of the matter told NBC News that one of the advisers Trump brought to the briefing, retired general Mike Flynn, repeatedly interrupted the briefing with pointed questions. Two sources said Christie, the New Jersey governor and Trump adviser, verbally restrained Flynn -- one saying Christie told Flynn to shut up, the other reporting he said, "Calm down." Two other sources said Christie touched Flynn's arm in an effort get him to calm down and let the officials continue.

По официальной версии Флинна уволили за то, что он соврал Майку Пенсу про свои разговоры с Кисляком. Но можно вспомнить, что до того, как ему пришлось повторять вранье Флинна про Кисляка, Пенсу пришлось в декабре 2016 объяснять, зачем он запросил для долбанутого сына Флинна доступ к секретным данным. Этот тот самый сын, который за год до этого сопровождал Флинна в поездке в Москву. Им обоим оплатили перелет бизнес-классом, проживание в пятизвездочном отеле Метрополь, и культурную программу.

В интервью на CNN ведущий (Jake Tapper) был вынужден задавать один и тот же вопрос восемь раз.

1. TAPPER: I want to ask you about an incident on the transition today.

Michael G. Flynn, the son of the future national security adviser, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, has been pushing a bunch of conspiracy theories, including one that ended up impacted your -- where you're staying right now, your local pizza place, Comet Pizza, an insane lie spread online.

It led a North Carolina man to barge into the restaurant with two weapons. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Now, Flynn Jr. was on the transition team, but a source familiar with the situation tells me that he was asked to leave and that the direct order came from president-elect Trump.

Tell me what happened.

PENCE: Well, what I can say is that we are so grateful and honored to have General Flynn as our nominee for national security adviser. He brings an extraordinary wealth of experience.

He is also a dedicated family man. And I said this morning that his son had no involvement in the transition, but I have talked to General Flynn. And his son was helping him a bit with scheduling and administrative items.

But that's no longer the case. Look, all of our families want to be helpful. And four weeks to the day from Election Day, there has been an awful lot of work to do.

But Mike Flynn Jr. is no longer associated with General Flynn's efforts or with the transition team. And we're focused eyes forward.

2. TAPPER: You're downplaying his role. But you must be aware that the transition team put in for security clearance for Michael G. Flynn, the son of Lieutenant General Flynn.

PENCE: Well, I am aware, in talking to General Flynn, that his son was helping with scheduling, Jake.

3. TAPPER: No, but you put in for a security clearance for him.

PENCE: He was helping his dad arrange for meetings and provide meetings. But that's no longer the case.

4. TAPPER: But do you need security clearance to do scheduling?

PENCE: I think that's the appropriate decision, for us to move forward, avoid any further distraction.

And I'm very confident as we continue to build this team. And, as tonight, you will see the president-elect formally announce General Mattis as the new secretary of the Department of Defense, that the American people are going to be impressed with the way that the president-elect is bringing together men and women that are make -- will make America safe again.

5. TAPPER: I want to move on to other issues, but I am afraid I just didn't get an answer, which is, were you aware that the transition had put in for a security clearance for Michael Flynn Jr.?

PENCE: I have worked very closely with General Flynn. We have met on many occasions. I have never -- I have never seen his son present for any of those meetings.

6. TAPPER: But you're head of the transition team, so you know who you put in for security clearances for.

PENCE: Well, General Flynn did inform me that his son was helping on administrative matters.

But, Jake, this is all the kind of distraction that, frankly, I know, with all due respect, the national media likes to go chasing after.

I think what the American people are impressed by -- and it's a reason why, frankly, you see public opinion on the rise about the president- elect in the last four weeks -- is because they're seeing the kind of decisive leadership that Donald Trump is bringing to this transition.

It's the kind of energetic leadership that is going to focus on the priorities of the American people, building a team, building a legislative agenda, driving our nation forward to a stronger, more prosperous America.

7. TAPPER: The last question on this, sir. And I'm sorry. It's just you're not answering the question, which is, were you aware that the transition team had put in for a security clearance?

This is a young man who had a social media profile that had all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories, that had all sorts of links and retweets with white supremacists.

Were you aware that the transition put in for a security clearance for him?

PENCE: Well, what I can tell you is that, in talking with General Flynn today, he made me aware that his son was assisting him in scheduling meetings.

8. TAPPER: And that you put in for a security clearance?

PENCE: Well, whatever the appropriate paperwork was to assist him in that regard, Jake, I'm sure was taking place.

But that's no longer the case. And your viewers and the American people can be confident that we're going to continue to drive forward. Look, there is a very challenging time for America's place in the world. It was a week ago yesterday that we saw a terrorist-inspired attack on

the Ohio State campus. We are bringing together, with General Mike Flynn, with K.T. McFarland, with a team that is going to surround them and advise this president, people that are going to set into motion, I'm confident, the policies that will make America safe again at home and abroad.

9. TAPPER: And it was just two days ago that we saw somebody with a gun go to Comet Pizza because of this crazy conspiracy theory that Michael G. Flynn had been putting out there, defended afterwards, and you guys put in for a security clearance.

Флинн, Пенс, Конгресс

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