Контакты Кисляка

Mar 03, 2017 09:39

Еще пару дней назад администрация Трампа пыталась затоптать любые упоминания в прессе о контактах между представителями России и людьми из окружения Трампа. На брифинге в понедельник п ресс-секретарь Спайсер призывал репортеров перестать задавать вопросы про Россию.

Q Can you not categorically deny there were no contacts between the Russians and anybody on the campaign?

MR. SPICER: I can't deny -- I can't -- I guess my question is --

Q That's what the investigation would look at.

MR. SPICER: Right. And I guess my point is, is that you've had the intelligence community look at Russia's involvement in the election. You had the House and Senate both do the same. And so what I'm trying to ascertain is that at what point -- how many people have to say that there's nothing there before you realize there's nothing there? I can't say unequivocally -- all I'm saying is, the people who have done the investigating about Russia overall and its activities in the United States, specifically now with respect to our election, haven’t provided anything that leads me to believe or should lead you to believe -- and I continue to see reports coming from -- there were media sources saying when they checked in with law enforcement, or intelligence community sources, there's nothing more than has been previously reported over and over again. So, at some point, you do have to ask yourself, what are you actually looking for? How many times do you have to come to the same conclusion before you take the answer?

А сегодня вслед за Сешнсом выстроилась целая очередь из людей Трампа, которые, как выясняется, секретно встречались с послом России Сергеем Кисляком.

Выяснилось, что одна из таких встреч была в декабре в Нью-Йорке, с участием Флинна и Кушнера. Кисляка провели в Trump Tower с заднего крыльца, чтобы он не попался на глаза журналистов. Об этой встречи сообщили в New Yorker, с подтверждением в New York Times.

Другая встреча была в июле во время республиканского съезда. Вместе с Сешнсом в ней участвовали приближенные к нему советники Трампа Картер Пейдж и Дж.Д. Гордон.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not the only member of President Trump’s campaign who spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at a diplomacy conference connected to the Republican National Convention in July. At least two more members of the Trump campaign’s national security officials also spoke with Kislyak at the event, and several more Trump national security advisers were in attendance. It's unknown what the Trump campaign officials who spoke with the ambassador - J.D. Gordon and Carter Page - discussed with him. Those who took part in the events in Cleveland said it is not unusual for presidential campaign teams to interact with diplomats. However, the newly-revealed communications further contradict months of repeated denials by Trump officials that his campaign had contact with officials representing the Russian government.

После известия об его участии Гордон пролил свет на загадку о том, кому понадобилось вносить изменения в республиканскую платформу. Он признал свое участие и сказал, что следовал инструкциям от Трампа.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.

Кисляк, антураж, Украина

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