Анекдотические свидетельства влияния иммигрантов из СССР на разворот Израиля вправо. Статья из апреля 1972:
NO one seems to have done any survey of the political attitudes of the Russians in Israel. But there has been a lot of worried speculation about their right‐wing proclivities. Many of them express hostility to deeply cherished Israeli institutions like the kibbutz, which they identify with the Soviet kolkhoz. Labor party, leaders have already issued panicky warnings to party workers about the number of Russians who have supposedly signed up with the right‐wing opposition party, Herut. Those who are inclined toward Herut seem motivated not so much by the party's social program as by its more militant Zionism, which the Russians believe leads to a stronger approach on Soviet Jewry. But, in fact, according to Yehiel Kadishai, Herut's parliamentary secretary, the impression of a stampede to his party is exaggerated. It is true that a number of the well‐known militants have joined, but Kadishai says most of the new immigrants aren't joining anything. They are fed up with the idea of “the Party.” There is little doubt, how ever, that on the much de bated question of Israel's borders the Russians lean heavily toward proponents of a “Greater Israel.” At the recent Zionist Congress there was a speech by Boris Kochubievsky, a militant from Kiev who spent several years in a Soviet prison and upon arriving in Israel immediately joined Herut. Kochubievsky's line was militantly nationalist and he pleaded with the Israeli Government to hold on to the territories. After the speech I spoke to Grischa Feigin, a former Red Army major and one of the few well‐known activists who has joined the ruling Labor party. Feigin wanted it known that Kochubievsky didn't speak for all the Russians. What about the borders, I asked? “On that we all agree,” said Feigin. “The territories, Judea and Samaria are part of Israel.” https://www.nytimes.com/1972/04/16/archives/the-russian-jews-wonder-whether-israel-is-really-ready-for-them.html
NO one seems to have done any survey of the political attitudes of the Russians in Israel. But there has been a lot of worried speculation about their right‐wing proclivities. Many of them express hostility to deeply cherished Israeli institutions like the kibbutz, which they identify with the Soviet kolkhoz. Labor party, leaders have already issued panicky warnings to party workers about the number of Russians who have supposedly signed up with the right‐wing opposition party, Herut.
Those who are inclined toward Herut seem motivated not so much by the party's social program as by its more militant Zionism, which the Russians believe leads to a stronger approach on Soviet Jewry. But, in fact, according to Yehiel Kadishai, Herut's parliamentary secretary, the impression of a stampede to his party is exaggerated. It is true that a number of the well‐known militants have joined, but Kadishai says most of the new immigrants aren't joining anything. They are fed up with the idea of “the Party.”
There is little doubt, how ever, that on the much de bated question of Israel's borders the Russians lean heavily toward proponents of a “Greater Israel.” At the recent Zionist Congress there was a speech by Boris Kochubievsky, a militant from Kiev who spent several years in a Soviet prison and upon arriving in Israel immediately joined Herut. Kochubievsky's line was militantly nationalist and he pleaded with the Israeli Government to hold on to the territories. After the speech I spoke to Grischa Feigin, a former Red Army major and one of the few well‐known activists who has joined the ruling Labor party. Feigin wanted it known that Kochubievsky didn't speak for all the Russians. What about the borders, I asked? “On that we all agree,” said Feigin. “The territories, Judea and Samaria are part of Israel.”
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